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In Job Name, specify a name for the job. |
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In the Selections list, select the Backup Selection Set that was used to perform the Full Backup. |
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In the Plugin Options list, select an existing Backup Options Set, or complete the following steps to create a new set: |
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Under Backup Method, select the applicable option:
For more information about backup methods, see About backup methods. | |||||||
Under Backup Type, select the applicable option. For more information about backup types, see About backup types.
NOTE: Regular Incremental Backups are linked to the initial Full Backup and previous Incremental Backups. Before creating a data copy of a regular Incremental Backup, you must have created a copy of the initial Full Backup and the previous Incremental Backups in the backup sequence; otherwise, the Plug-in for Data Copy reports an error.
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To ignore the archive bit settings and use the file size, last update date, and other file attributes to back up a file, select the Ignore Archive Bit check box. This option can be useful in the following events: When you select the Ignore Archive Bit check box, the plug-in omits the files and directories for which only the file attributes such as Discretionary Access Control List (DACL), System Access Control List (SACL), and Owner Attribute have changed. If you want to back up such files, do not select this check box. |
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Click Save, and in the Create New Set dialog box, type a name for the set. Click Save to close the dialog box. |
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Select or create the Schedule Set, Target Set, and Advanced Options Set. For more information about these sets, see the Quest NetVault Backup Administrator’s Guide. |
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To submit the job for scheduling, click Save & Submit. You can monitor the job progress from the Job Status page and view the logs from the View Logs page. |
The NetVault Backup Plug‑in for FileSystem lets you stop a job at any point and resume it later from the same point. To have this ability, you must configure the job as restartable
For more information about this option, see the Performing Full Backups.
When you stop the job, the plug-in generates an index for all items that have been processed up to that point and writes the index to the backup media and NetVault Database. The job status is then set to Job Stopped. If the plug-in is writing a large backup index, the jobs status continues to be reported as “Writing to Media: Storing Backup Index” until the index is written. When you restart the job later, the plug-in runs an Incremental Backup job to back up the remaining files and folders.
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In the Navigation pane, click Job Status. |
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In the Navigation pane, click Job Status. |
Before you start a Network Share Backup, verify that the following requirements are met:
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Use the “soft” mount option: When backing up NFS shares, use the “soft” mount option for mount points. |
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The retrans option determines the number of times a request is retried before an error is reported. The default value for retrans is three. |
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The timeo option specifies the number of seconds to wait before a retransmission is sent. The default value for timeo may vary depending on the OS, but it is typically 600 seconds. |
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Grant “change” privileges for Incremental Backups: When performing Incremental Backups of network shares, the user that has been configured to log on to a particular share must be given “change” permissions to the shared folder. If you do not grant this permission, the job instance repeatedly backs up the modified files because the plug-in is unable to update the file attribute to indicate that the file has been backed up. |
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In the Add New Network Share dialog box, specify file path for the shared drive in the following format: |
NOTE: It is not recommended to execute Backup and Restore jobs on the hidden share locations. For example, \\<IP Address or Resolvable Network Name>\C$\, where C$ is the hidden share location. |
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Click Add to add the network share and close the dialog box. |
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On the NetVault Backup Selections page, select Network Shares, and in the Actions list, click Connect As. |
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In the Connection Details dialog box, provide the following information: |
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Domain: Type the Windows Domain name for the system that contains the shared folders. |
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Username: Type a Domain Administrator user name. The network share backups must be performed using a Domain Administrator account to fully retrieve the file and directory permissions during a restore. A user belonging to the Administrators Group does not have the Domain Administrator privileges. |
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Password: Type the password for the user account. |
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Click OK to save the connection details and close the dialog box. |
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Back up all network shares: Select the Network Shares node. |
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Back up individual shared folders: Select the check boxes corresponding to the items that you want to back up. |
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Back up individual items: Open the parent node. Browse through the directory tree, and locate the items that you want to back up. |
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Exclude child items: To exclude a file or directory within a selected parent node, click the corresponding check box to replace the check mark with a cross. |
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On the Backup Job Wizard page, specify a name for the job. |
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