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GPOADmin 5.18 - User Guide

Introducing Quest GPOADmin Configuring GPOADmin Using GPOADmin
Connecting to the Version Control system Navigating the GPOADmin console Search folders Accessing the GPMC extension Configuring user preferences Working with the live environment Working with controlled objects (version control root)
Creating a custom container hierarchy Selecting security, levels of approval, and notification options Viewing the differences between objects Copying/pasting objects Proposing the creation of controlled objects Merging GPOs Restoring an object to a previous version Restoring links to a previous version Managing your links with search and replace Linking GPOs to multiple Scopes of Management Managing compliance issues automatically with remediation rules Validating GPOs Managing GPO revisions with lineage Setting the change window for specific actions Working with registered objects Working with available objects Working with checked out objects Working with objects pending approval and deployment
Checking compliance Editing objects Synchronizing GPOs Exporting and importing
Creating Reports Appendix: Windows PowerShell Commands Appendix: GPOADmin Event Log Appendix: GPOADmin Backup and Recovery Procedures Appendix: Customizing your workflow Appendix: GPOADmin Silent Installation Commands Appendix: Configuring Gmail for Notifications Appendix: Registering GPOADmin for Office 365 Exchange Online Appendix: GPOADmin with SQL Replication About Us

Identify which objects are checked out

You may want to know which objects in the Version Control are checked out. You can specify the type of object such as OU and SOMs. This command provides a list of check out objects.

Get-CheckedOut [-GPOs] [-ProtectedSettings] [-WMIFilters] [-SOMs] [-OUs] [-Domains] [-Sites] [-Scripts] [-SortBy <SortField>] [-Descending] [-Count] [-PipelineVariable <String>]


Returns a list of all objects giving the type and version of the object.

Get-CheckedOut -GPOs

Returns a list of all GPOs which are checked out.

Identify which objects are checked out to me

You may want to know which objects in the Version Control are checked out specifically by you. You can specify the type of object such as GPOs and WMI Filter. This command provides a list of check out objects.

Get-CheckedOutToMe [-GPOs] [-ProtectedSettings] [-WMIFilters] [-SOMs] [-OUs] [-Domains] [-Sites] [-Scripts] [-SortBy <SortField>] [-Descending] [-Count] [-PipelineVariable <String>]


Returns a list of all objects giving the type and version of the object that are specifically checked out by you.

Get-CheckedOutToMe -GPOs

Returns a list of all GPOs which are specifically checked out by you.

What are the properties of an object

The Get-Properties command returns the properties for a specified object. This can be useful when you want to know specific information on an object.

Get-Properties [-VCData] <VersionControlledData> [-PipelineVariable <String>]

Get-Item "IE Settings" | Get-Properties

The Get-Item command identifies the object for which to get the properties. The object data is then piped into the Get-Properties command and the properties for that object are displayed.

The piping works the same as the following command. It is just a quicker way of executing the command by taking advantage of the piping feature in PowerShell.

$GPO = Get-Item "IE Settings"

Get-Properties $GPO

The Get-Item command identifies the object and is stored in a variable. The Get-Properties command is called with the variable and the properties for that object are displayed.

What objects are available

The Get-Available command returns the objects that are available. This can be useful when you want to know which objects are available to edit.

Get-Available [-GPOs] [-ProtectedSettings] [-WMIFilters] [-SOMs] [-OUs] [-Domains] [-Sites] [-Scripts] [-SortBy <SortField>] [-Descending] [-Count] [-PipelineVariable <String>]


Returns a listing of all the objects that are available for edit.

Get-Available -GPOs

Returns a listing of all the GPOs that are available for edit.

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