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The following table provides a list of the FS Instance Storage metrics that are collected, and a description for each.
The overall total space size (MB) of file systems over which the DB2 instance is spread.
The amount of space (MB) used on the file systems over which the DB2 instance is spread (not just what DB2 is using; this metric represents the overall usage).
The overall utilization (%) of the file systems over which the DB2 instance is spread.
This element shows the amount of free space (MB) per instance on a file system.
The following table provides a list of the FS Storage metrics that are collected, and a description for each.
The name of the monitored database.
The database partition from which the data was retrieved for this row.
This element shows the unique identification number provided by the operating system for a file system pointed to by a storage path.
This element shows the full path of a location used by the database for placing automatic storage tablespaces. There can be 0 or more storage paths associated with a database.
This element shows the capacity (MB) of a file system pointed to by a storage path.
This element shows the amount of space (MB) already used on a file system pointed to by a storage path.
This element shows the amount of free space (MB) available on a file system pointed to by a storage path. If multiple storage paths point to the same file system, the free size is not divided among them.
The utilization (%) of the file system over which the DB2 instance is spread.
The following table provides a list of the FS Storage Summary metrics that are collected, and a description for each.
The total capacity (MB) per partition of the file system to which the storage path points.
This element shows the amount of space (MB) per partition already used on a file system pointed to by a storage path.
This element shows the amount of free space (MB) per partition available on a file system pointed to by a storage path. If multiple storage paths point to the same file system, the free size is not divided among them.
This element shows the amount of free space (MB) per database available on a file system pointed to by a storage path. If multiple storage paths point to the same file system, the free size is not divided among them.
The following table provides a list of the General Activity metrics that are collected, and a description for each.
The number of applications that are currently connected to the database, and for which the database manager is processing a request.
The number of active connections per second.
The number of sorts in the database that have a sort heap allocated.
The application ID of the application with the oldest transaction.
Counts the number of times a copy of a SQL executable section was not available in the application SQL work area and had to be inserted.
Each agent has access to a unique SQL work area, where the working copy of any executable section is kept. This metric counts the total number of times the SQL work area was accessed by agents for an application. You can use this element with APPL_SECTION_INSERTS to tune the size of the SQL work area heap.
The average amount of time (in seconds) for a lock wait in the database.
The number of times the system attempted to insert table descriptor or authorization information into the catalog cache.
The number of times that the catalog cache was referenced to obtain table descriptor or authorization information.
This includes both successful and unsuccessful attempts to access the catalog cache.
The number of times that the catalog cache overflowed its allocated memory.
You can use this element with CAT_CACHE_SIZE_TOP to determine if the size of the catalog cache should be increased to avoid overflowing.
The largest size (in bytes) reached by the catalog cache including overflows, if they occurred.
A percentage that indicates how well the catalog cache is helping to avoid actual accesses to insert table descriptor or authorization information into the catalog cache, compared to the number of times the catalog cache was referenced to obtain table descriptor information or authorization information.
A high ratio indicates that it is successful in avoiding actual disk I/O accesses.
The indicator is calculated using the formula:
The main database partition in which the database catalog tables are stored.
The percentage of active client applications.
The total number of SQL COMMIT statements attempted.
The total number of connections that took place during the specified time range.
The highest number of simultaneous connections to the database since the database was enabled.
The number of connections that took place, per second, during the specified time range.
The date and time of the connection to the database (at the database level, the first connection to the database), or when the enable database command was issued.
The database location.
At the database level, this is always LOCAL.
The full path to the database location on the monitored system. At the database level, it is the path of the coordinator partition of the database (most of the time, 0).
The status of the database. This interface returns a text identifier, based on the definition in sqlmon.h, which is one of the following values:
The total number of deadlocks that have occurred in the database for the required period. A deadlock occurs when there is a cyclical dependency between two or more threads or processes that are contending for the same set of resources within DB2. That is, each task has a lock on a resource that the other tasks are trying to lock.
The number of dynamic SQL statements attempted.
The number of dynamic SQL statements that were run, per second, during the specified time range.
The sum of the host execution times (in seconds) for all the statements that were run for a particular database. This element does not include the network time elapsed between DB2 Connect™ and the host database server.
The sum of the host elapsed time per second for all the statements that were run for a particular database.
The number of times that hash join data exceeded the available sort heap space.
The total number of commits initiated internally by the database manager.
The total number of rollbacks initiated internally by the database manager.
The date and time that the latest database backup was completed.
The date and time that the monitor counters were last reset.
If the counters have never been reset, the value of the element is zero.
The total amount of lock list memory (in KB) that is in use.
The number of times that a request to lock an object timed-out instead of being granted.
The total amount of time (in seconds) that all applications were waiting for a lock within this database.
The rate of time at which all applications were waiting for a lock within this database.
The total number of times that applications waited for locks within this database.
The number of agents waiting on a lock.
The number of subagents for all applications.
A percentage that indicates how well the package cache is performing. It is the total number of times that a requested section was not available for use and had to be loaded into the package cache compared to what was already loaded into the cache. Includes any implicit prepares performed by the system.
This indicator is calculated using the formula:
The total number of times that a requested section was not available for use and had to be loaded into the package cache. This includes any implicit prepares performed by the system.
The number of times that an application looked for a section or package in the package cache. At the database level, this is the overall number of references since the database was started, or since monitor data was reset.
The number of times that the package cache overflowed its allocated memory.
You can use this element with PKG_CACHE_SIZE_TOP to determine if the size of the package cache should be increased to avoid overflowing.
The largest size reached by the package cache.
If the package cache experienced overflow, then this element contains the largest size reached by the package cache during the overflow.
The total number of sorts throttled back by the sort memory throttling algorithm. Throttled sorts are sorts that are granted less memory than requested by the sort memory manager. A sort is throttled back when the memory allocation for sorts is close to the limit set by the SHEAPTHRES_SHR database configuration parameter. Throttling significantly reduces the number SHEAPTHRES_SHR overflows in a system that is improperly configured. The value of this element only includes sorts that are using memory allocated from the shared sort heap.
The total number of SQL ROLLBACK statements attempted. A rollback can result from an application request, a deadlock, or an error. This element only counts the rollback statements issued from applications. This metric can be used to help with determining the level of activity in the database and the amount of conflict between applications on the database.
The operating system running the database server.
The total number of allocated pages of sort heap space for all sorts at the level chosen and at the time the snapshot was taken.
The percentage, within the total number of sorts, of sorts that ran out of sort heap and may have required disk space for temporary storage.
If the percentage is high, consider adjusting the database configuration by increasing the sort heap.
The total number of sorts that ran out of sort heap and may have required disk space for temporary storage. When a sort overflows, additional overhead is incurred because the sort requires a merge phase and might require more I/O if data needs to be written to disk.
The total amount of shared sort memory allocated in the database.
If this value is often much higher or lower than the current shared sort memory threshold, the threshold should probably be adjusted.
The database-wide shared sort memory high-water mark (in 4k pages).
The number of static SQL statements attempted.
The number, per second, of static SQL statements that were run during the specified time range.
The total elapsed time (in seconds) for all sorts that were run. This metric can be used with TOTAL_SORTS to calculate the average sort time, which can indicate whether sorting is a performance issue.
The total number of sorts that have been run. This metric can be used with SORT_OVERFLOWS to calculate the percentage of sorts that need more heap space. You can also use it with TOTAL_SORT_TIME to calculate the average sort time. If the amount of sort overflows is small relative to the total sorts, then increasing the sort heap size may have little impact on performance, unless it is increased substantially.
The number of connections made by a subagent to the database at the node.
The total number of units of work, calculated by taking the sum of INT_COMMIT, INT_ROLLBACK, COMMIT_SQL_STMTS and ROLLBACK_SQL_STMTS.
The number, per second, of transactions that were carried out during the specified time range.
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