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Foglight Evolve 7.3.0 - Upgrade Guide

Understand product versions Best practices Upgrade the Foglight Management Server Upgrade the Foglight Agent Manager Upgrade the Database cartridges Upgrading the Infrastructure Management cartridges Upgrade the Integration cartridges Upgrade the cartridges in a federated or High Availability (HA) environment Appendix: Deploying an agent package using the browser interface

Embedded Agent Manager

An upgrade to the Management Server version 7.3.0 automatically updates the Agent Manager adapter that is embedded in the Management Server to version 7.3.0. The embedded Agent Manager adapter is backward compatible with all previous versions of the Agent Manager client.

Agent Manager client installation cartridges

The JREs for all Agent Manager-supported platforms are updated to a newer version of the Java® Runtime Environment (JRE). Therefore, if you are upgrading from a pre- version of the Agent Manager, you must download and install either one or more platform-specific Agent Manager client installation cartridges (FglAM-<platform>-<version>.car) or the large all-platform client installation cartridge (FglAM-all-<version>.car) before you can push an upgrade to a client. It is not possible to use the patch upgrade cartridge (FglAM-patch-<version>.car) for this, because it does not include the JREs.

Upgrade difficulty: Easy

Expected time: 1 minute for a cartridge (depending on the network speed).

Database cartridges

The following Database cartridges are currently available:

Foglight for Azure SQL Database

Foglight for Azure SQL Database has been updated to version is For the list of features and defect fixes, see the Foglight for Databases Release Notes.

Upgrade difficulty: Easy

Expected time: 5-15 minutes (varies depending on the size of your environment)

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