Following are the time zone regions. Africa America Antarctica Arctic Asia Atlantic Australia Brazil CET CST6CDT Canada Chile Cuba EET EST EST5EDT Egypt Eire Etc Europe Factory GB GB-Eire GMT GMT+0 GMT0 Greenwich HST Hongkong Iceland Indian Iran Israel Jamaica Japan Kwajalein Libya MET MST MST7MDT Mexico Mideast NZ NZ-CHAT Navajo PRC PST8PDT Pacific Poland Portugal ROC ROK Singapore Turkey UCT US UTC Universal W-SU WET Zulu
system --show --timezones Chile Following are the time zones in Chile region: Continental Easter Island
Update Manager started at : 2012/10/5 16:24:16 Version : Update Manager started at : 2012/10/05 16:26:33 Version : Update status : SUCCESS, REBOOT REQUIRED Update Manager finished at : 2012/10/05 18:01:22 Update Manager started at : 2012/10/08 18:11:39 Update Manager started at : 2012/10/08 18:12:01 Version : Update status : SUCCESS, REBOOT REQUIRED
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