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Enter new password for CIFS user administrator2:
Re-enter new password for CIFS user administrator2:
Changed administrator2's password.
Note: The DR Series system administrator that manages the DR Series system has a different set of privileges than does the CIFS user administrator. For example, only the DR Series system administrator can change the password for the CIFS user administrator.
Must include either enable or disable option.
--guestmode - Configures all CIFS shares for guest only access.
authenticate --guestmode [--enable]
--enable Enable only guest access CIFS shares.
--disable Disable only guest access for CIFS shares.
Note: If you attempt to enable guestmode for all CIFS shares when the DR Series system is already joined to an ADS domain by (using the DR Series system CLI authenticate --guestmode --enable command), the following error message displays: This node is already joined to domain <domainname>. Please leave the domain before enabling the guest-only mode.
Note: If you attempt to enable guestmode for all CIFS shares when the DR Series system is already joined to an ADS domain (using the DR Series system CLI authenticate --guestmode --enable command), the following error message displays: This node is already joined to domain <domainname>. Please leave the domain before enabling the guest-only mode.