Supported upgrade paths
• Supported for direct upgrade: If you are using one of the following vRanger versions, you may upgrade directly to vRanger 7.6.5.
• Requires intermediate upgrade: The following versions are not supported for direct upgrade to vRanger 7.6.5. If you are using one of these versions, you must first upgrade to vRanger 7.5.x before upgrading to the latest version.
Backing up the vRanger database
vRanger utilizes a SQL Server® database to store application and task configuration data. The database can be either the embedded SQL Server Express instance — the default — or a SQL Server database running on your own SQL Server or SQL Server Express instance. If you want to back up the SQL Server database before installing an upgrade, you must use SQL Server Management Studio.
a Click Add.
c After identifying the applicable path, enter vRangerPro.bak after the last backward slash in the path name, and click OK.
7 To verify that the backup was created, go to the selected location, and look for the vRangerPro.bak file.
Upgrading a previous vRanger installation
You may upgrade a previous vRanger installation to the latest version by running the standard vRanger installer. For information on which versions of vRanger are supported for upgrade, see Supported upgrade paths.
To upgrade a vRanger installation:
2 When the vRanger Backup & Replication dialog box appears, select the language for the interface from the Language list, and click Next.
3 When the License Agreement dialog box appears, read the license terms, accept the agreement, and click Next.
4 When the vRanger Services Information dialog box appears, enter the credentials you want to use to run the services installed by vRanger.
▪ In the Domain field, enter the domain in which the user account is located.
▪ In the Username field, enter the username for the account.
▪ In the Password field, enter the password for the account.
5 Click Next.The vRanger Database Runtime Credentials dialog box appears. This dialog box allows you to configure different credentials for database installation and for normal runtime operations. In addition, this dialog box is where you configure a connection to an existing SQL Server® database.
▪ Database Installation Credentials: If you select Windows, the database installs using the credentials chosen in Entering vRanger service credentials. If you are using SQL Server authentication, the credentials used must have administrative privileges on the SQL Server instance.
▪ Runtime DB Connection Credentials: You may choose different credentials for use during normal vRanger operations.
▫ If you select Windows, the database installs using the credentials chosen in Entering vRanger service credentials.
▫ If you select SQL Server, enter and confirm the system administrator (sa) password when you select Mixed Mode authentication. Setting strong passwords is essential to the security of your system. Never set a blank or weak sa password.
8 When the vRanger Catalog Service dialog box appears, do one of the following:
▪ To install the Catalog Service, select Install vRanger Catalog Service.
9 Click Next.
Updating the VSS Tools
To update the VSS Tools:
2 When the Configure VSS Tools dialog box appears, enter the name and password for an account with administrative privileges on the VM, and click Next.If the selected VM has more than one disk, the available disks are shown in the Disk for VSS snapshot section.
4 If preferred, select Perform application log truncation.
5vRanger performs the following actions:
▪ Creates the C:\Program Files\Quest\vRanger\vzShadow directory, and populates the directory with the vzShadow executable and supporting files.
▪ Creates the C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\backupscripts.d directory, and creates a freeze.bat file in that directory that contains the appropriate contents based on your selections.
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