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Rapid Recovery License Portal 6.0.1 - User Guide

Getting Started with the Dell Data Protection | Rapid Recovery License Portal Managing Licenses in the Dell Data Protection | Rapid Recovery License Portal
Downloading Software from the License Portal Using the Dashboard Performing Global Searches in the License Portal Configuring Personal Settings Configuring Email Notifications Settings Changing your Password Managing Users Managing Groups Managing Licenses Managing Registered Agent Machines Managing Cores Working with License Portal Reports
Third Party Legal Notices

About AppAssure Appliance Licensing

Licensing for the AppAssure DL Series appliance can be an agent-based appliance package or based on the capacity of the repositories on the appliance. If you have purchased an AppAssure appliance, your appliance is configured with a 30–day temporary software license. To obtain a permanent license key, you must log on to the Dell Data Protection | Rapid Recovery License Portal to register the appliance. You need to enter the appliance license number to obtain the permanent license key file, and then change or add the license key in the AppAssure 5 or RapidRecovery Core software.

Refer to the following topics for more information about working with appliances in the License Portal.

Understanding License Pools

This topic describes how licenses are allocated (using License Pools) in the Dell Data Protection | Rapid Recovery License Portal, including how licenses are allocated among groups, how offline machines are handled in the license pool count, and how licenses can be released back into the pool.

Refer to the following topics for more information about working with license pools.

A license pool is used to administer (non-trial) software licenses in the Dell Data Protection | Rapid Recovery License Portal. The number assigned to the pool indicates how many licenses can be allocated. Each group maintains a number (or pool) of allocated licenses, and a license pool with an Unlimited designation, represents an unlimited pool of licenses. For a subgroup, licenses are drawn from the parent license pool. License pools can be set at group and subgroup levels and at the Core level for appliances. See the topic Understanding Groups for more information about groups and licenses and how they differ for software and appliances.

For example, if the license pool is set to 50, a group can allocate a maximum of 50 licenses across the group and subgroups. Once the threshold of group licenses is met, if additional agent licenses are needed, these agents need to use trial licenses, and a notification email is sent to the group administrator about the license pool being exceeded. If the license pool is set to Unlimited for the group, an unlimited number of licenses can be distributed for the group.

Administrators can also choose to define a value for the license pool and set an option to “draw licenses from a parent group.” Doing so specifies that no less than the quantity of licenses defined for the license pool are allocated.

Therefore, license pools can have the following states in the License Portal:

The display of License Pool information in the License Portal also depends on your license pool settings and requirements, the types of machines being protected (that is, if you have protected physical machines as well as virtual machines), and the type of license and group (for example, if you have a capacity-based license). Users might see the following categories in the License Pool section of the Licensing page.

License Pool - The limit that applies to the sum of protected physical machines and protected virtual machines.
Physical License Pool - A limit on the number of physical protected machines.
Virtual License Pool - A limit on the number of protected Virtual Machines, if applicable.
Capacity License Pool - A limit that applies to the data in use, that is, the sum all used space on protected volumes.

Groups generally use either just the (total) License Pool, or the Physical License Pool and Virtual License Pool together.

In the License Portal, you can block agents or downgrade agents to a trial license, which frees the associated licenses and adds them back to the license pool. For information about how to block or downgrade an agent, see the topic, Working with Agent Machines.


Downloading or Viewing your License Key

When you purchase software or appliances, you will receive a license number associated with your account that will also be associated with any software license keys for the AppAssure 5 or RapidRecovery Core and Agent software.

You can easily download a license key file for your AppAssure or RapidRecovery software (or view your license key for your AppAssure AppAssure 5.4.1 versions and earlier) from within the License Portal.

On the License page, on the License Key drop-down menu, click one of the following:
License Key - To download the license key file to your browser.
Legacy Key - To view the license key (for AppAssure 5.4.1 versions and prior). The License Key dialog box appears showing the license key associated with the current group.

Viewing License Numbers

When you purchase software or appliances, you will receive a license number associated with your account that will also be associated with any software license keys for the AppAssure 5 or RapidRecovery Core and Agent software.

You can easily view your license numbers from within the License page.

For software groups, on the License page, click the License Numbers link. The License Numbers dialog box appears to display your registered license numbers.
NOTE: If you have a non-phone home (NPH) license key (for an appliance group), you can request to have an email sent to you that contains the key. The email will be sent only to the registered user. To do so, on the License page, click the NPH Keys link.
For an appliance group, on the License page, the table displays appliance-only license numbers. If you have both appliances and software licenses, you can click Add License, which opens the License Numbers dialog box, to view all license number (both software and appliance).

For information about adding license numbers, see the topic, Adding a License to the License Portal.

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