This section provides instructions for upgrading Oracle® RAC-based installations and any other environments where the Management Server oracle-ds.xml files were customized. The oracle-ds.xml file was replaced by the datasource-oracle.properites file in the Management Server 5.9.x, so the Management Sever merges the connection URL and connection properties during the upgrade.
If you encounter the warning message “A special configuration has been found in <backup_oracle_datasource>, please manually merge your configuration from this file to <new_oracle_datasource> and then click Next to continue with the upgrade.” during the upgrade, open the backup of $fmshome/state/backup/<version>/server/jboss/conf/oracle-ds.xml where lists the configured connection properties, and then add these connection properties manually to the $fmshome/config/datasource/ file. For example, you see the following line in the oracle-ds.xml file, <connection-property name="oracle.jdbc.implicitStatementCacheSize">${oracle.jdbc.implicitStatementCacheSize:50}</connection-property>”, open the file and add this line “”.
NOTE: Make sure to add the db. prefix before the original connection-property name, when you add the connection properties in the new file. |
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TIP: The Management Server backs up the previous oracle-ds.xml and server.config files after the upgrade. You may find the backup files under $fmshome/state/backup/<version>/server/jboss/conf/oracle-ds.xml and $fmshome/state/backup/<version>/config/server.config. |
A Management Server 7.3.0 using an Oracle® database makes use of stored procedures in the Oracle database. When upgrading from a version earlier than 5.6.2 to version 5.6.2 or later, the procedures are created during the upgrade process. To allow the upgrade process to create the stored procedures, a DBA user must first assign the CREATE PROCEDURE privilege to the database user used by Foglight.
If the upgrade process is run without assigning the CREATE PROCEDURE privilege to the Oracle database user, the database upgrade will fail with the following error:
The Oracle database user has not been assigned the CREATE PROCEDURE privilege.
Once the CREATE PROCEDURE privilege is assigned to the database user, the database upgrade process can be run manually by invoking the foglight_db_upgrade script.
This section provides a list of the database changes from Foglight 5.6.2 through Foglight 7.3.0 .
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