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Change Auditor 7.4 - PowerShell User Guide

Managing client authentication options

Change Auditor has two authentication method:

These commands allow you to manage the authentication used in your Change Auditor deployment.

Use this command to view the authentication profile Change Auditor coordinators use in a particular installation.

Returns: An object containing the options for authentication for the specified installation.

Get-CAAuthenticationOptions –InstallationName ‘DEFAULT’ –DomainName ‘DomainName.com’

Get-CAAuthenticationOptions -Connection $connection

Use this command to alter the authentication profile the Change Auditor coordinators use in a particular installation.

Returns: An object containing the options for authentication for the specified installation.

Set-CAAuthenticationOptions -Connection $connection -AlwaysChallengeForCredential
-AllowActiveDirectoryCertificateAuthentication -AllowWindowsFormsAuthentication

Set-CAAuthenticationOptions -Connection $connection -AuthenticationOptions $AuthenticationOptions

Gathering Change Auditor system information

You can gather Change Auditor system information to help you to manage your installation components.

Use this command to retrieve coordinator-specific (as opposed to installation-wide) status information from the connected coordinator such as coordinator name, status, deployment name, version, connected agents, connected legacy agents, connected clients, client port, total events, and buffered events which may be different on each coordinator.

Get-CACoordinator $connection

$creds = Get-Credential

$connection = Connect-CAClient -Credential $creds

Get-CACoordinator -Connection $connection

Use this command to gather information about all the coordinators in a Change Auditor installation.

Get-CACoordinators -Connection $connection

$creds = Get-Credential

$connection = Connect-CAClient -Credential $creds

Get-CACoordinators -Connection $connection

Use this command to retrieve installation-specific (as opposed to coordinator-specific) status information including the name of the installation, database server, and database and the database size.

Get-CAInstallation -Connection $connection

Use this command to view information on all available (and optionally uninstalled) agents.

Get-CAAgents -Connection $connection -IncludeUninstalled

Deploying Change Auditor agents

The following commands are available to manage your agent deployments.

Use this command to install an agent.

Install-CAAgent -Connection $connection -MachineName "ComputerName.DomainName.com" -Credential $credential -OperationTime “01/01/2020 12:00:00”

Use this command to ensure that the coordinator and agent can communicate using WCF framework.

Example: Test the communication between an agent and coordinator

Ping-CAAgent -Connection $connection -AgentInfo $agentinfo

Use this command to uninstall an agent.

Uninstall-CAAgent -Connection $connection -MachineName "ComputerName.DomainName.com" -Credential $credential -OperationTime “01/01/2020 12:00:00”

Use this command to upgrade an agent.

Update-CAAgent -Connection $connection -Agent $agent -Credential $credential

Use this command to update the agent configuration to ensure that the agent is using the most up-to-date configuration.

Update-CAAgentConfigurations -Connection $connection -Agents $agent

Use this command to assign an auditing configuration to an agent.

Set-CAAgentConfiguration -Connection $connection -Agents $agent -Configuration

Use this command to see the list of subsystems included in an agent‘s configuration.

Get-CAAgentSubsystems -AgentInfo $agentinfo

Use this command to enable a template.

Enable-CAAgentTemplate -Connection $connection -Template $template

Use this command to disable a template.

Disable-CAAgentTemplate -Connection $connection -Template $template

Use this command to remove a template.


Example: Remove a template

Remove-CAAgentTemplate -Connection $connection -Template $template -credential $credential

Use this command to create an agent configuration.

Example: Create an agent configuration

New-CAConfiguration -Connection $connection -ConfigurationName $configurationName

Use this command to get list of all agent configurations for a deployment.

Example: See a list of all agent configurations

Get-CAConfigurations -Connection $connection

Use this command to change the agents port used for the coordinator to communicate with the agent and to configure a proxy server.

Example: Update the port used to communicate with the agent

Set-CAConfiguration –Connection $connection –Configuration $configurationObject –Port $port

Example: Update the configuration to allow for cloud-based auditing

Set-CAConfiguration -Connection $connection -Configuration $config -ProxyServer "ServerName" -ProxyPort 8080

Use this command to remove an existing agent configuration.

Example: Remove an agent

Remove-CAConfiguration -Connection $connection -Configuration $configuration

Managing auditing templates

Use this command to assign an auditing template to a Change Auditor configuration.

Example: Assign a template to a configuration

Add-CATemplateToConfiguration -Connection $connection -Configuration $configuration -Templates $templates

Use this command to get a list of all templates in the installation.

Example: Get a list of all templates in the installation

Get-CAConfigurationTemplates -Connection $connection

Use this command to get a list of the templates that are assigned to a configuration.

Example: Get a list of all templates assigned to a configuration

Get-CATemplatesInConfiguration -Connection $connection -Configuration $configuration


Use this command to remove templates from a configuration.

Example: Remove a template from a configuration

Remove-CATemplatesFromConfiguration -Connection $connection -Connection $connection
-Configuration $configuration



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