A connection obtained by using the Connect-CAClient command. | |
$atlanticTime = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones() |? {$_.Id -eq "Atlantic Standard Time"}
Set-CAScheduleMasterTimeZone -Connection $connection -TimeZoneInfo $atlanticTime
Example: Set the schedule master time zone with a time zone identifier
Set-CAScheduleMasterTimeZone -Connection $connection -TimeZoneId "Eastern Standard Time"
A connection obtained by using the Connect-CAClient command. |
Get-CAScheduleMasterTimeZone -Connection $connection
Find-CAInstallations –DomainName ‘DomainName.com’
Find-CACoordinators -DomainName 'DomainName.com'
Find-CASuitableCoordinator –InstallationName ‘DEFAULT’
$connection = Connect-CAClient -Credential $creds
Find-CASuitableCoordinator -Credential $creds -DomainName ‘DomainName.com'
$connection = Connect-CAClient –InstallationName ‘DEFAULT’
Disconnect-CAClient $connection
Use this command to import Change Auditor configuration settings.
$connection = Connect-CAClient -Credential $creds
[xml] $xmld = Get-Content 'C:\DataFolder\CAConfig.xml'
Import-CAConfigurations -Connection $connection -ConfigurationSettings $xmld
Use this command to export Change Auditor configuration settings.
$connection = Connect-CAClient -Credential $creds
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