This command returns the logging info currently used for GPOADmin.
Get-LoggingOptions [-PipelineVariable <String>]
Returns the logging information.
This command sets the current logging options. Only a GPOADmin administrator can run this command.
Set-LoggingOptions -Location None -CategoriesToWrite None
Set-LoggingOptions -Location EventLog -CategoriesToWrite UserAction, ServiceAction, Error
Logs user actions, service actions, and errors to the event log.
Logs user actions, service actions, and errors to the event log and a file in c:\logs directory.
Returns the notifications for the current container where the command is run.
Get-Notifications -Account AMER\Administrator
Returns the notifications for the user specified.
Get-Notifications -VCData $gpo -Account AMER\Administrator
Get-Notifications -Container "VCRoot:\Accounting" -Account domain\jdoe
This command sets the notification list enabled on an object, user, or container.
Set-Notifications -Notifications "Register", "Unregister"
Set-Notifications -Account AMER\Administrator -Notifications "Register", "Unregister"
Set-Notifications -VCData $gpo -Account AMER\Administrator -Notifications "Register", "Unregister"
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