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ControlPoint 8.6 - Administration Guide

Preface Configuring the Environment in Which ControlPoint Will Run The ControlPoint Configuration Site Managing Your Farm List Managing Your ControlPoint License Granting ControlPoint Access to Web Applications and Content Databases Configuring ControlPoint Services Using Discovery to Collect Information for the ControlPoint Database Cache Using Sensitive Content Manager Services Setting Sensitive Content Manager EndPoints and Managing Scanning Preferences Managing ControlPoint Configuration and Permissions Modifying ControlPoint Configuration Settings
Changing Default Settings for Actions and Analyses
Supress "Item is inherited - no processing done" Message(SkipNotDoneMsg) Maximum Line Items in Real-time (REPCAP) "Use Cached Data" Default Value (CACHEDREP) Abort Report Processing on Error (ABORTREPORTONERROR) Display "Include users with AD group membership" Parameter (SHOWADGROUPS) Copy/Move Default Temporary Location (TEMPLOCATION) Time to Retain Page Data in Cache (CACHEREPORT4) Time to Retain Temporary UI Objects in Cache (UICACHEDURATION) Number of Reports to Keep in Memory After Drill-Down (RVSESSIONSKEPT) Exclude Web Application(s) from Statistics List (DASHBOARDWAPEXCLUDE) Number of List Items to Display in Selection Grid (DISPLAYSINGLELISTITEMS) Use Activity Min. Date as Start Date (UseActivityDbDate) "Show unique permissions only" Default Value (SHOWUNIQUEPERMONLY) Duplicate Files Report Limit (DuplicateFilesReportLimit) Users to Exclude from Reports (EXCLUDEDUSERS) Eliminate Claims Prefix from Username in Reports (UseCleanedLoginNameInReports) Maximum Number of Orphaned Users to Delete Per Scheduled Batch (OrphanDeleteBatchSize) CSV Delimiter Character (CSVDELIMETER) Largest Active Directory Group to Expand in Reports (MAXMEMBERS) Maximum Number of Users to Act On (MAXUSERSFORACTION) Hide the "Set User Direct Permissions" Action in Permissions Management (PREVENTUSERPERMS) Prevent Set Site Collection Quotas (PreventSetSCQuota) Show Nested Active Directory Groups (PROCESSADHIERARCHY) Hide Interactive Analysis Link (RESTRICTSL) Use Minimum Activity Date as Start Date (USEACTIVITYDBDATES)
Changing Default Settings to Improve Application Performance Audit Log Configuration Settings Changing Settings for Anomalous Activity Detection Restricting Functionality for Members of the Business Administrators Group Changing Default Settings for ControlPoint User Groups Changing Settings to Improve Discovery Performance Changing Settings to Accommodate Special Environmental Factors Changing Default Settings for Navigation Managing Site Provisioning Settings Specifying Global Settings for ControlPoint Policies Setting Preferences for the ControlPoint Scheduler Miscellaneous and Custom Configuration Settings Special-Purpose Configuration Settings
Changing Trace Switch Logging Levels Archiving SharePoint Audit Log Data Troubleshooting
ControlPoint Log Files Troubleshooting Configuration Errors Troubleshooting the ControlPoint Application Interface Troubleshooting Discovery Troubleshooting SharePoint Users and Permissions Troubleshooting Site Provisioning Troubleshooting ControlPoint Operations

Maximum Number of SharePoint Groups to Display in SharePoint Hierarchy (SPGROUPCAP)

By default, up to 45 SharePoint Groups can display beneath a site in the SharePoint Hierarchy.

ControlPoint Application Administrators can, however, modify this number by changing the Maximum Number of SharePoint Groups to Display in SharePoint Hierarchy Value.

Config Setting SPGROUPCAP

If the number of SharePoint groups with permissions to a site is greater than the specified parameter value, the list will be truncated. For example, if you set the Maximum Number of SharePoint Groups to Display in SharePoint Hierarchy Value to 10, and 12 groups have permissions to a site, the first 10 groups (in alphabetical order) will display in the Groups folder.  (Remember, however, that the total number of groups with permissions for the site displays in parentheses to the right of the Group folder.)


Managing Site Provisioning Settings

These configuration settings display in the ControlPoint Settings list under the category Provisioning.


Maximum Number of Provisioning Requests in Completed an Rejected Folders

By default, ControlPoint keeps a maximum of 2000 items in each of the following Site Provisioning Manager View filters:



When this limit is reached, ControlPoint creates an "archive" view with a date and time stamp.  A new archive view is created every time the specified limit is reached.

Manage Provision Requests STATUS DROPDOWN

ControlPoint Application Administrators can, however, specify a different maximum number of requests to display in a view by changing the Value of the ControlPoint Setting Maximum Numer of Provisioning Requests in Completed and Rejected Foder.

Config Setting MaxRequestItemsInFolder


Changing the Subject and/or Body of Provisioning Request Emails

You can change the default subject line and/or body text of the emails that are automatically sent to the requester of a new site collection or site, as described in the following table.

NOTE:  These are Advanced Settings.

If you want to change ...

Then change the Parameter of the ControlPoint Setting ....

From the default text...

the subject line of the email that is sent to the requester when a site provisioning request is received and registered

Subject Line for Provisioning Request Registered email

Your request for a new site.

the text of the email that is sent to the requester when a site provisioning request is received and registered

Text for Provisioning Request Registered email

Your request for '@@REQUESTNAME@@' with id @@REQUESTKEY@@ has been registered.

the Subject line of the email that is sent to the requester when a request has been approved, then completed

Subject Line for Provisioning Request Completed email

Your new site is ready for use.

the text of the email that is sent to the requester when a request has been approved, then completed

Text for Provisioning Request Completed email

Your request '@@REQUESTKEY@@' has been completed and is ready for use.

the subject line of the email that is sent to the requester when a site provisioning request is rejected


Your request for a new site or site collection has been rejected.

the text of the email that is sent to the requester when a site provisioning request is rejected

Text for Provisioning Request Rejected email

Unfortunately, your request for '@@REQUESTNAME@@' at @@REQUESTURL@@ with id @@REQUESTKEY@@ has been rejected.

NOTE:  '@@REQUESTKEY@@' is a variable that is populated with the confirmation GUID that is generated when a request is submitted.  @@REQUESTNAME@@' is a variable that is populated with the name requested for the the site.


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