To get help on any of the vAPI cmdlets, use the Get-Help command. At the prompt, enter Get-Help command, where command is any of the preceding vAPI cmdlets.
IMPORTANT: For the most up-to-date help contents, see the cmdlet help. To get help on any of the vAPI cmdlets, use the Get-Help command. At the prompt, enter:
Get-Help <command> ‑full
where <command> is any of the following vAPI cmdlets.
Adds a new backup group to vRanger. New-BackupGroupMember cmdlet is used to add members to a backup group created using this cmdlet or the UI.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"
• Type [-Type]: This optional parameter specifies the type of backup group: VMware, HyperV, or Physical. If not specified, the default is VMware.
Add-BackupJobTemplate [‑JobName] <String> [[‑JobDescription] <String>] [‑JobEntity] <Entity> [[‑ExcludedVMList] <String>] [[‑IncludedDiskList] <String>] [‑TargetRepository] <Repository> [[‑JobSchedule] <Schedule>] [‑Flags] <NoFlags | BackupPoweredOnOnly | CheckDestinationFreeSpace | UseCompression | UpdateNotes | EnableGuestQuiescing | EnableABM | UseFiber | PerformNetworkBackupOnFailure | UseCataloging | AllFlags> [‑NumberOfSavePoints] <Int> [‑SpaceSavingTechnologyTypeFlag] <None | Incremental | Differential> [[‑SpaceSavingCountThreshold] <Int>] [[‑SpaceSavingPercentSizeThreshold] <Int>] [[‑NotificationList] <String>] [[‑RunJobNow] <Boolean>] [[‑TransportConfiguration] <TransportConfiguration>] [[‑FullBackupDays] <List`1>][<CommonParameters>]
• JobEntity <Entity>: Inventory entity on which the job is going to run on — VMware® ESXi™ host, VirtualCenter, and so on.
• ExcludedVMList [<String>]: List of VM universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) to exclude from this job.
• SpaceSavingTechnologyTypeFlag <SpaceSavingTechnologyType>: Spacesaving technology to use: differential, incremental or none.
• SpaceSavingPercentSizeThreshold [<Int>]: The size to allow as a % of the VM hard disk file before performing a differential backup.
• TransportConfiguration [<TransportConfiguration>]: The transport configuration options to use for this job.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"
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