·GroupExclusions - A table of groups or users within groups to exclude from the group copying operation.
·MapGroupsByName - Indicates if mapping of SharePoint groups should be done by name, rather than membership.
·OverwriteGroups - Indicates if groups with matching names should be overwritten. Note that this only applies when mapping is being done by name.
·AllowDBUserWriting - Sets user writing operations to use a direct database write when the user is no longer available in Active Directory. Requires that your environment settings be configured to allow DB writing.
·ForceRefresh - Forces a refresh of the source and target nodes prior to copying to ensure that all cached data is up to date.
·LogSkippedItems - Indicates that actions which have been skipped should not be logged at all.
·CheckResults - Indicates whether the user would like to use the Metalogix Comparison tool to compare the source and target. If chosen, differences will be outputted as warnings to the PowerShell console. All results for an operation can be seen by enabling verbose display.
·OverrideCheckouts - Indicates that the checkout status of a pre-existing target file will be overridden.
·CorrectingLinks - Indicates whether the user would like to employ automatic link correction to metadata fields within their copy.
·LinkCorrectTextFields - Indicates whether the user would like to employ automatic HTML link correction in text fields of items/documents.
·LinkCorrectionScope - Specifies the scope at which links are corrected. The current options are 'SiteCollection' and 'MigrationOnly' level scope.
·UseComprehensiveLinkCorrection - Indicates whether link correction mapping generation is performed before the migration or as the migration occurs.
·ComparisonLevel - Indicates whether a strict or moderate comparison is desired. Note that this has no effect if CheckResults is false.
·MapAudiences - Enabled the mapping of audiences during a copy.
·VerboseLog - Enables verbose logging.
·MapMissingUsersToLoginName - Map all missing users to this Login Name.
·PersistMappings - When set, any dynamically created link correction or GUID mappings will be persisted to the global mappings store. If the global mappings already contain an entry for a particular source GUID, it will be overwritten with the value dynamically generated by the action.
·Transformers - The collection of data transformers which the action needs to run. Note that if the passed-in value for this parameter does not include transformers which are considered mandatory, they will be added automatically.
·Quiet - If set, the operation will not report progress to the PowerShell console.
·JobFile - The name of a job file to use for logging. If the file does not exist it will be created.
·Source - The source node for the actions.
·Target - The target node for the actions.
·JobDatabase - The connection string of a jobs database to use for logging. If the connection string is invalid, an exception is thrown. If both 'JobFile' and 'JobDatabase' parameters are specified, then the 'JobDatabase' parameter will take precedence and the job will only be written to the job database.
·ExistingWebPartsAction - Indicates if the copy operation should update items on the target with new item data from the source. The comparison for item matching is done by name for document libraries and by ID for all other lists.
·OverwriteItems - Indicates if the copy operation should overwrite existing items and documents. Overwriting items takes precedence over the 'UpdateItems' parameter.
·UpdateItems - Indicates if the copy operation should update items on the target with new item data from the source. The comparison for item matching is done by name for document libraries and by ID for all other lists.
·CheckModifiedDatesForItemsDocuments - Indicates if only newer items/documents will be copied.
·PropagateItemDeletions - Indicates if items not appearing on the source should be deleted off of the target. The comparison is done by name for document libraries and by ID for all other lists.
·CopyVersions - Indicates if the copy operation should include list item and document versions.
·CopySubFolders - Indicates if the copy operation should include subfolders.
·MaximumVersionCount - Defines a maximum number of versions to copy for each item. Note that this has no effect if version copying is not requested.
·PreserveDocumentIDs - Indicates if the copy operation should preserve IDs for documents in libraries. Note that this requires writing directly to the database. Please contact Quest Support if you have any questions about this process.
·PreserveItemIDs - Indicates if the copy operation should preserve IDs for list items in lists.
·PreserveSharePointDocumentIDs - Indicates if the copy operation should preserve SharePoint Document IDs(from the SharePoint Document ID Feature) for documents.
·CopyDocumentWebParts - Indicates if web parts on web part pages in document libraries or pages libraries should be copied.
·CopyClosedWebParts - Indicates whether closed web parts from the source are copied to the target or not.
·CopyContentZoneContent - Indicates whether content zone content should be updated on the target as part of the copy.
·ItemFilterExpression - Defines a filter expression used to determine if a document or item should be copied.
·ListFieldsFilterExpression - Defines a field filter expression used to determine if a item field should be copied.
·CopyRootPermissions - Indicates if the copy operation should copy the permissions for the highest-level objects copied, regardless of inheritance.
·CopyItemPermissions - Indicates if the copy operation should include unique permissions for list item and documents.
·MapRolesByName - Indicates if the copy operations should map role assignments strictly by name, skipping role assignments without a match.
·ClearRoleAssignments - Indicates if the copy operations should clear any existing role assignments prior to copying the source role assignments.
·RoleAssignmentMappings - Defines a collection of name to name role mappings, as well as conditional logic used to determine which objects to apply them on.
·TaskCollection - Defines a collection of transformation tasks, such as renaming, to be applied to the data as it is copied.
·ReattachPageLayouts - Indicates if the copy operation should reattach the page layouts of any publishing pages with detached layouts as it copies them.
·SideLoadDocuments - Indicates that documents will be added directly to StoragePoint if an endpoint is configured.
·ColumnMappings - Defines a set of column mappings for the item copying operation.
·ContentTypeApplicationObjects - Defines a set of content type application rules for the item copying operation.
·DocumentSetApplicationObjects - Defines a set of document set application rules for the item copying operation.
·FolderToDocumentSetApplicationObjects - Defines a set of document set application rules for the item copying operation.
·DisableDocumentParsing - Indicates that SharePoint's automatic promotion and demotion of metadata for defined file types should be disabled during migration.
·CopyWorkflowInstanceData - Indicates whether or not to copy workflow instances.
·CopyInProgressWorkflows - Indicates whether or not to copy in progress workflow instances.
·MapTermStores - Indicates whether or not to map term stores within the copy.
·CopyReferencedManagedMetadata - Indicates whether or not to copy referenced taxonomy.
·ResolveManagedMetadataByName - Indicates that mapping of terms should be done by name and hierarchy, rather than guid.
·TermstoreNameMappingTable - The term store mapping table to be used in the copy mapping.
·LogSkippedItems - Indicates that actions which have been skipped should not be logged at all.
·CheckResults - Indicates whether the user would like to use the Metalogix Comparison tool to compare the source and target. If chosen, differences will be outputted as warnings to the PowerShell console. All results for an operation can be seen by enabling verbose display.
·OverrideCheckouts - Indicates that the checkout status of a pre-existing target file will be overridden.
·CorrectingLinks - Indicates whether the user would like to employ automatic link correction to metadata fields within their copy.
·LinkCorrectTextFields - Indicates whether the user would like to employ automatic HTML link correction in text fields of items/documents.
·LinkCorrectionScope - Specifies the scope at which links are corrected. The current options are 'SiteCollection' and 'MigrationOnly' level scope.
·UseComprehensiveLinkCorrection - Indicates whether link correction mapping generation is performed before the migration or as the migration occurs.
·ComparisonLevel - Indicates whether a strict or moderate comparison is desired. Note that this has no effect if CheckResults is false.
·MapGroupsByName - Indicates if mapping of SharePoint groups should be done by name, rather than membership.
·OverwriteGroups - Indicates if groups with matching names should be overwritten. Note that this only applies when mapping is being done by name.
·AllowDBUserWriting - Sets user writing operations to use a direct database write when the user is no longer available in Active Directory. Requires that your environment settings be configured to allow DB writing.
·ForceRefresh - Forces a refresh of the source and target nodes prior to copying to ensure that all cached data is up to date.
·MapAudiences - Enabled the mapping of audiences during a copy.
·VerboseLog - Enables verbose logging.
·MapMissingUsersToLoginName - Map all missing users to this Login Name.
·PersistMappings - When set, any dynamically created link correction or GUID mappings will be persisted to the global mappings store. If the global mappings already contain an entry for a particular source GUID, it will be overwritten with the value dynamically generated by the action.
·Transformers - The collection of data transformers which the action needs to run. Note that if the passed-in value for this parameter does not include transformers which are considered mandatory, they will be added automatically.
·Quiet - If set, the operation will not report progress to the PowerShell console.
·JobFile - The name of a job file to use for logging. If the file does not exist it will be created.
·Source - The source node for the actions.
·Target - The target node for the actions.
·JobDatabase - The connection string of a jobs database to use for logging. If the connection string is invalid, an exception is thrown. If both 'JobFile' and 'JobDatabase' parameters are specified, then the 'JobDatabase' parameter will take precedence and the job will only be written to the job database.
·Transformers - The collection of data transformers which the action needs to run. Note that if the passed-in value for this parameter does not include transformers which are considered mandatory, they will be added automatically.
·Quiet - If set, the operation will not report progress to the PowerShell console.
·JobFile - The name of a job file to use for logging. If the file does not exist it will be created.
·Source - The source node for the actions.
·Target - The target node for the actions.
·JobDatabase - The connection string of a jobs database to use for logging. If the connection string is invalid, an exception is thrown. If both 'JobFile' and 'JobDatabase' parameters are specified, then the 'JobDatabase' parameter will take precedence and the job will only be written to the job database.
This is the same as Copy-MLSharePointItem with additional parameters:
·CopyDependentLists - Indicates if the copy operation should also include source lists of LookUp columns, as well as Task and History Lists of associated workflows..
·SharePoint serverCopyListItems - Indicates if the copy operation should include list items and documents.
·CopySubFolders - Indicates if the copy operation should include subfolders.
·CopyFolderPermissions - Indicates if the copy operation should include unique permissions for folders.
·FolderFilterExpression - Defines a filter expression used to determine if a folder should be copied.
·OverwriteLists - Indicates if the copy operation should overwrite existing lists. Overwriting lists takes precedence over the 'UpdateLists' parameter.
·UpdateLists - Specifies whether to update lists or not. Provide the value "All", or a comma-separated list of some of the following for only partial updating of the list: "CoreMetadata", "Fields", "Views", "ContentTypes".
·CheckModifiedDatesForLists - Indicates if only newer lists will be copied.
·CopyFormWebParts - Indicates if the copy operation should include web parts on list form pages (Disp, Edit, New).
·CopyListPermissions - Indicates if the copy operation should include unique permissions for lists.
·CopyViewWebParts - Indicates if the copy operation should include web parts on view pages.
·ListFilterExpression - Defines a filter expression used to determine if a list should be copied.
·TaskCollection - Defines a collection of transformation tasks, such as renaming, to be applied to the data as it is copied.
·CopyCustomizedFormPages - Indicates if the copy operation should include customizations made to the list's form pages.
·MergeMySiteDocumentsIntoSharedFolder - Indicates if the copy operation should merge content from "Shared Documents" and "Personal Documents" on source into "Shared with everyone" folder on target for MySites.
·CopyListOOBWorkflowAssociations - Indicates if the copy operation should copy list workflow associations.
·CopyWebOOBWorkflowAssociations - Indicates if the copy operation should copy web workflow associations.
·CopyContentTypeOOBWorkflowAssociations - Indicates if the copy operation should copy content type workflow associations.
·CopyListSharePointDesignerNintexWorkflowAssociations - Indicates if the copy operation should copy SharePoint Designer created list workflow associations.
·CopyWebSharePointDesignerNintexWorkflowAssociations - Indicates if the copy operation should copy SharePoint Designer created web workflow associations.
·CopyContentTypeSharePointDesignerNintexWorkflowAssociations - Indicates if the copy operation should copy SharePoint Designer created content type workflow associations.
·CopyNintexDatabaseEntries - Indicates if the copy operation should copy Nintex workflow database entries.
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