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DateRelevanceViews 표시 26-50 / 758
How to search for a disabled Active Directory user that has explicit permission to a SharePoint site (4317789)

How to search for a disabled Active Directory user that has explicit permission to a SharePoint site. ... Open the Security Explorer console and select the SharePoint module. ... Select the Search menu and then select Add Search Scope.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 1296 보기
Knowledge Article
Security Explorer, How to turn on debug logging (4276831)

The information in this article applies to: ... Security Explorer 7.x and up ... Enable debugging in Security Explorer ... Security Explorer can be started in debug mode and can also be configured to log folder and file paths when processing actions.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 362 보기
Knowledge Article
What inbound and outbound ports need to be open in the firewall when the Security Explorer console machine is in the cloud and connecting to on-premises file shares. (4317937)

Need to know what inbound and outbound ports need to be open in the firewall. ... (SXP) Security Explorer will be installed on a virtual machine in the cloud, and connecting to on-premises file shares.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-04
NA rating | 1344 보기
Knowledge Article
How to create NTFS report for folders only (4266854)

There may be a need for a NTFS security report for folders only. ... Please follow the steps below to accomplish this. ... Via the NTFS Security module select “Browse” and go to the desired path, or type the server name, using the UNC path and the Admin share.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-04
NA rating | 398 보기
Knowledge Article
Security Explorer 8.x and up - How to search by SID (4271834)

<p>User or Group’s SID must be determined. ... This can be done by using “Group and User Management” module. ... Once the target has been found, access its properties by double clicking or right click and select “Properties”.</p>

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-04
NA rating | 215 보기
Knowledge Article
Each time a user launches the software, it prompts for the location and does not save Favorites (4318094)

Each time a user launches the software, it prompts for the location and does not save Favorites. ... Security Explorer is installed in a Citrix environment that is using roaming profiles. ... Fix for the prompting of the location each time the software is launched:

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 1267 보기
Knowledge Article
When deleting an Active Directory user account receiving error "The directory service can perform the requested operation only on a leaf object" (4292833)

When deleting an Active Directory user account within the Group and User Management module, receiving error &quot;The directory service can perform the requested operation only on a leaf object&quot;.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 1955 보기
Knowledge Article
When trying to display group contents of a local group on a NetApp filer a SSL/TLS secure channel error occurs (4318132)

Browse to a folder on the NetApp Filer and select the option to "display group contents" of a local group which contains a global group. ... This error occurred since the Certificate on the NetApp filer was 512 bit.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 1571 보기
Knowledge Article
How to log all security changes made from within the Security Explorer console (4276724)

How to log all security changes made from within the Security Explorer console. ... <p>Choose Tools | Options | General tab.</p>

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 966 보기
Knowledge Article
Ability to remove unknown users across all site collection (4316762)

Would like process where specific, known unused accounts can be selected and removed across all sites. ... <p><span>None.</span></p>

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 530 보기
Knowledge Article
Export Permissions takes a long time to complete, and produces many pages showing folder and file permissions (4317990)

Export Permissions takes a long time to complete, and produces 200,000+ pages showing folder and file permissions. ... If subfolders contain only inherited permissions, then select the option &quot;Recurse subfolders&quot; and Recurse to Depth 0.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 973 보기
Knowledge Article
How to search and report on local administrators on domain computers (4318672)

Need to search and report on local administrators on domain computers. ... <p> </p>

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 1275 보기
Knowledge Article
How to search for unknown accounts in the NTFS Security module (4292949)

How to search for unknown accounts (orphaned SIDs or unresolved accounts) in the NTFS Security module. ... <p>In the Group/User Search Criteria tab check the option to Search for unknown accounts.</p>

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 1355 보기
Knowledge Article
At least one root path cannot be found in the backup file (4320857)

The error "At least one root path cannot be found in the backup file" is displayed when a user tries to preview objects in a Security Explorer backup archive file. ... All the backup archive files are only 1KB in size indicating that the backups are not completing successfully, although the Windows Task Scheduler showed that the Schedule backup task ran and completing successfully.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 330 보기
Knowledge Article
What are the hardware and software requirements? (4317091)

What are the hardware and software requirements? ... Requirement

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 1798 보기
Knowledge Article
Attempting to export using the command line utility SXPExport.exe results in error "Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." (4289843)

Using SXPExport.exe results in the below error: ... Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ... This issue has been identified in version 9.7 and has been addressed in 9.7 Hotfix #1 which can be found here.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 928 보기
Knowledge Article
How to clone SharePoint permissions across trusted domains (4267298)

<p><font face="Arial" size="2">Select the source domain from the “List Names From” dropdown list and click “Show Users”. ... Select the target domain from the “List Names From” dropdown list and click “Show Users”.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-04
NA rating | 359 보기
Knowledge Article
How to change multiple local administrators account passwords at one time (4272136)

How to change multiple local administrators account passwords at one time. ... Due to security reasons all local administrator passwords may have to be changed in a domain. ... This operation can be done via Security Explorer.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-04
NA rating | 187 보기
Knowledge Article
When modifying security for a user with two ACEs on an object, editing one ACE will remove the other if they overlap (4317103)

When two different permissions (one using a custom security template) are applied to the same account on the same folder and you modify one of the permissions “Applies To” option, it will remove the other permission for that account without warning.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 1021 보기
Knowledge Article
Error: Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. (4318391)

When using Security Exlporer to export or report on permissions in a file share, the job fails after several hours. ... "Error: Not enough storage is available to complete this operation" ... The target file system contains too many items to be enumerated in the available memory.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 1152 보기
Knowledge Article
Ability to return group members in the report results (4315979)

Currently can see who has permissions to a folder in report results. ... Need the report to show a list of the Security Groups with permission to the folder, along with the group members. ... WORKAROUND

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 803 보기
Knowledge Article
How to revoke permissions using SID history (4317582)

The Revoke task provides a quick way to revoke permissions at the folder and/or file level. ... It is possible for more than one Security Identifier (SID) to be assocatied with objects in the file system and the domain.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 805 보기
Knowledge Article
Is Security Explorer affected by the vulnerabilities for Meltdown (CVE-2017-5754) and Spectre (CVE-2017-5753 and CVE-2017-5715) (4316958)

Meltdown and Spectre exploit critical vulnerabilities in modern processors. ... These hardware vulnerabilities allow programs to steal data which is currently processed on the computer. ... While programs are typically not permitted to read data from other programs, a malicious program can exploit Meltdown and Spectre to get hold of data stored in the memory of other running programs.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 471 보기
Knowledge Article
How to report on membership in Domain Admins group(s) (4319697)

Security Explorer users often need to report on group membership in shares and file systems. ... When users need to report on Global groups such as 'Domain Admins', a simple procedure will produce the desired results.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 982 보기
Knowledge Article
Can Security Explorer set security for Distributed File System (DFS)? (4283597)

<p>File ACLs are administered at each individual physical share. ... There is no mechanism to administrate ACLs system-wide from the Dfs root, nor is there an attempt to keep ACLs consistent between alternate volumes.

제품: Security Explorer
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-09
NA rating | 719 보기
Knowledge Article
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