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DateRelevanceViews 표시 26-50 / 2007
Database Management hangs with "Retrieving SQL job Information" (4338912)

When you click on Re-index or Defrag or Data Aging in the Database Management, the item in the left hand pane will just sit there with the progress bar not moving and the status is "Retrieving SQL job Information".

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 291 보기
Knowledge Article
Does MessageStats 7.4 support Exchange 2013 Cumulative Update 9 (CU9)? (4261560)

Does MessageStats 7.4 support Exchange 2013 Cumulative Update 9 (CU9)? Yes. MessageStats 7.4 supports Exchange 2013 CU9

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 111 보기
Knowledge Article
You May Get 'Cannot validate license' Error Message (4296888)

You may get �cannot validate license� error message when you open MessageStats console. ... This error messages indicates that the SQL server where QMS database is installed is not started or cannot be accessed.

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 127 보기
Knowledge Article
Error when attempting to run a Regather Structure after adding new servers (4261849)

After adding new Exchange Servers in the Exchange Organisation a Regather Structure task is attempted but it fails and it displays the following error: ... "Please note that the given task log cannot be shown as the task logging share configuration for the given Task Execution Server SERVERNAME, has not been set."

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 394 보기
Knowledge Article
MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER ERROR when connecting to or running gathering on Exchange 2013 server (4325434)

When trying to change connection server to a 2013 front end, the following validation error occurs : ... Please ensure that the gathering account has Full Access permissions to the mailbox and that the mailbox server is operational "

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 311 보기
Knowledge Article
Adding gathering credentials and running new Gathering Tasks for Microsoft Online are not working with Exchange Online Report Pack 7.4 (4294532)

By default MessageStats will use ps.outlook.com to connect to Office 365. ... Microsoft has changed this to use outlook.office365.com in their back end servers. ... You will notice a redirection that may fail, to verify run the following Remote PowerShell cmdlets to Office 365:

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 168 보기
Knowledge Article
ERROR: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'AuditOperationID', table 'MessageStats.dbo.T_BPOS_MailboxAuditAdmin'; column does not allow nulls. (4294694)

After running the gathering for Microsoft Online report pack received the following errors. ... The following error occurred during the processing of a given gathering: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'AuditOperationID', table 'MessageStats.dbo.T_BPOS_MailboxAuditAdmin'; column does not allow nulls.

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 139 보기
Knowledge Article
List of Updates & issues resolved in Quest MessageStats 6.0.1 (4295039)

QSMailboxStats: Mailbox gathering does not return all mailbox security when there is a null ACL in security descriptor. ... CR0159670 ... Log Viewer: Change the loading of the log file so that the log file is read on a separate thread.

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 191 보기
Knowledge Article
MessageStats doesn't report the Membership for the Query-based Distribution Lists (4219283)

None ... STATUS: ... Waiting for fix in a future release of MessageStats.

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 113 보기
Knowledge Article
Org Defalut Gathering querying Exchange Server no longer in env. (4333832)

After setup a Default Gathering at the Organization Node and after it starts to gathering, it is querying an Exchange Server that is no longer in the environment. ... Delete the Server Object for the decommissioned Exchange Server by using the Object Data, Delete Data, Database Management component in the MMC. Select the Exchange Server, then click delete data.

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 118 보기
Knowledge Article
Some reports are empty and the report states that you have to enable large gathering - how do I e (4298983)

Some reports are empty and the report states that you have to enable large gathering - how do I enable large gathering? ... Basically, the large gathering is the recurrence settings. ... In order to enable large gathering you need to go to Tools | Manage | Recurrence.

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 149 보기
Knowledge Article
Content & Attachment Reports Showing no Data, why? (4297155)

Some of the reports will be empty if you ran only default gathering. ... These reports are located under the following nodes: ... Mailbox Content ... Public Folder Content ... Mailbox Attachments

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 145 보기
Knowledge Article
You may receive 'The data source failed to load the properties for a message' (4344219)

You may receive this warning in the application event logs. ... Description: ... The following information is part of the event: The data source failed to load the properties for a message. ... This message will not be sent to the data processor for processing.

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 126 보기
Knowledge Article
Is There OWA Report Pack Available for MessageStats 6x? (4247933)

Is there OWA report pack available for MessageStats 6x?<br> There are no OWA reports out of the box available.<br>

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 209 보기
Knowledge Article
During a Tracking Log gathering it copies over the file but then fails because the file is no lon (4340712)

When a gathering occurs, it reports that the file copy of the tracking log was successful; however, looking in the tracking log cache (Program Files\MessageStats\Tracking Logs directory) it's not there.

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 128 보기
Knowledge Article
Error accessing reports: "Unable to open database connection: [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect( (4336574)

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied" ... Users Group doesn't have rights to access the QMSReports.udl File used to render Reports. ... OR ... The Path to the QMSReports.udl file is not properly specified in the registry

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 464 보기
Knowledge Article
Purchased more licenses and unable to apply both asc files to the product at once. (4336159)

<p>When purchasing more licenses for MessageStats v6.0 another asc file was sent, but doesn&#39;t total the full number of licenses now owned.

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 134 보기
Knowledge Article
Error: "Microsoft .Net Framework version 1.1 must be installed on the IIS server that hosts this (4211113)

Error received when operating MessageStats Reports on an IIS server on which Windows Media Server has been installed: ... "Microsoft .Net Framework version 1.1 must be installed on the IIS server that hosts this application.

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 132 보기
Knowledge Article
Mailbox Content and Attachment gatherings Fail with security issues (4333542)

Mailbox Content and Attachment gatherings fail with security issues even though the Quick Start Guide info on Rights and Permissions has been followed. ... If the Account running the gathering is part of the Domain Admins group then denied Send As and Receive As rights on the Exchange Org is applied which then populates down the tree structure.

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 121 보기
Knowledge Article
Unable to read mount point volume sizes, why? (4336565)

Unable to read mount point volume sizes, why? ... MessageStats currently doesn't gather or report on Mount Points when the Exchange Database are located on them. ... WORKAROUND: ... NONE. ... STATUS:

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 108 보기
Knowledge Article
Where are the Timeout settings stored for the Reports component? (4304417)

Where is the 15 minute timeout set for the report GUI? ... Is it in the MessageStats.ini or a registry setting or somewhere in IIS? ... There are multiple locations where the report timeout is set.

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 172 보기
Knowledge Article
Error: "The following Public Folder object could not be stored in the database as it did not have (4333812)

Line 362" ... Refer to the following link for information: http://www.eventid.net/display.asp?eventid=8206&eventno=2103&source=MSExchangeFBPublish&phase=1 ... This error is generated due to the autonegotiate port configuration of a switch.

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 196 보기
Knowledge Article
Inactive Distribution Lists report also returns Security Groups, why? (4338983)

This is by design in the product. ... WORKAROUND: ... None ... STATUS: ... Enhancement request (CR154920) is being considered for implementation in a future release of MessageStats.

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 99 보기
Knowledge Article
How to Transfer Subscriptions to another user. (4338917)

You can also select to see subscriptions from all users when in the Subscription Site from the MessageStats Web Site. ... There have been some issues that the user name doesn't change and the subscription stays under the old user profile in MessageStats Reports, but runs successfully when doing the following:

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 192 보기
Knowledge Article
Does Messagestats report on the Contacts in the Global Address List? (4304754)

Messagestats currently only reports on the contacts of individual mailboxes; not Contacts in the Global Address List. ... This is by design. ... Enhancement request CR171973 is being further investigated for implementation into a future release of MessageStats.

제품: MessageStats
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 235 보기
Knowledge Article
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