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DateRelevanceViews 표시 51-75 / 8846
Existing tags are not displayed when adding a tag to an agent (4378117)

From the Agent Status dashboard, when trying to add a tag to an agent, existing tags are not listed. ... ERROR [http-exec-24] com.quest.wcf.core.context.ContextUtils - Error getting value of context entry with key: tags com.quest.wcf.core.module.runtimevalue.RuntimeValueException: com.quest.wcf.publicapi.code.FunctionInvocationException: Failed to invoke method "findAllTags" for Java Function definition id=system:wcf_common_ui_table.findTagsByCategory using class=com.quest.wcf.components.table2.TaggingFunctions in view: 'system:wcf_common_ui_table.nested' in top-level view: 'system:administration_agents_agent_status.updatePageWrapper'

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-01-10
NA rating | 651 보기
Knowledge Article
How to increase Foglight topology instance limits? (4311089)

The configured limit of 50000 instances of type HostProcess has been reached. ... The configured limit of 50000 instances of type DB2_Database_Partition_Table has been reached. ... Foglight has a default limit of 50000 topology instances per object type.

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-01-10
5 rating | 3443 보기
Knowledge Article
How to enable Kerberos Debug at the FglAM level (4309953)

How can Kerberos debug be enabled in the Foglight Agent Manager (FglAM)? <ol><li>Change line 7 of [FGLAM_HOME]/state/default/config/auth.login.config to the following: ... <pre class="language-markup" style="background: #efefef;padding: 8px;display: block;border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204);overflow-x: auto;"><code>com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required client=TRUE refreshKrb5Config=TRUE debug=TRUE;</code></pre>

제품: Foglight Cloud, Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-01-08
NA rating | 1770 보기
Knowledge Article
Support for customized values in Foglight trap actions (4228912)

Enhancement Request to support customized values in Foglight SNMP Trap Actions <p>WORKAROUND</p> ... <p>Enhancement FGLCM-265 was opened to support customized values in Foglight trap actions and has been included in the 5.9.8 and higher releases of the Foglight Management Server.<br><br>The <strong>Send SNMP Trap Action</strong> parameters VarBind01OID to VarBind10OID and VarBind01Value to VarBind10Value can be used to specify custom OIDs and values to be sent in the SNMP trap.<br><br>For example:</p>

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-01-08
NA rating | 1532 보기
Knowledge Article
How to use Forward Alarms as SNMP Traps rule (4288357)

After enabling the Forward Alarms as SNMP Traps rule, we noticed that the trap was actually sent twice, once when the alarm was cleared and once when it was raised again. ... Is there a way to suppress sending the SNMP Trap for a cleared alarm?

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-01-08
NA rating | 3693 보기
Knowledge Article
Adding CRS agents for monitoring Oracle clusterware (4301649)

Receiving alarms about the CRS software, which is used for monitoring Oracle Clusterware, requires creating CRS agents. ... NOTE: The Monitor More Clusterwares wizard supports the monitoring of a single CRS cluster.

제품: Foglight Cloud, Foglight, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-01-03
NA rating | 1465 보기
Knowledge Article
Facts when working with Active Directory Groups and Foglight Directory Services Configuration (4352964)

Troubleshooting import of LDAP groups when logging into Foglight with LDAP users. ... Troubleshooting import of LDAP groups when logging into Foglight with LDAP users. ... AD groups that Foglight sees the user is a member of (based on the mode of group searching) get added as "External" Groups.

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-31
NA rating | 2342 보기
Knowledge Article
How to forwarding and customizing SNMP trap alarms? (4327849)

There is a need to integrate the Foglight notifications as SNMP traps to IBM Tivoli monitoring system. ... How to replace values within the alarms SNMP trap that is being sent by Foglight? ... This issue has to be looked on a cartridge by cartridge basis, to be able to change the data being sent in the SNMP trap message.

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-01-03
NA rating | 1247 보기
Knowledge Article
Monitoring Oracle 12c and higher support with common user and cdb$root access (4311394)

Unable to monitoring Oracle 12c PDB with common user and cdb$root access ... The following error may appear when using trying to use an invalid common user name or role name. ... ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name when running the script on the container

제품: Foglight Cloud, Foglight, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-01-03
2 rating | 2417 보기
Knowledge Article
SAML authentication not working after upgrade to Foglight 6.3 or higher (4375312)

After upgrading to Foglight 6.3 or higher users can no longer authenticate using SAML. ... No changes have been made to the SAML configurations on Foglight. ... The URL in the error message may be displayed without a port if Foglight if using the default ports for HTTP (80) or HTTPS (443).

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-01-02
NA rating | 1585 보기
Knowledge Article
Incorrect port in the SAML metadata when Foglight is behind a load balancer (4377193)

Foglight SAML metadata uses the wrong port when Foglight is behind a proxy or load balancer. ... For example, Foglight and the load balancer are configured to listen for HTTPS on port 8443. ... When accessing Foglight via the load balancer URL (E.g.: https://foglight.yourdomain.com:8443/console/saml2/metadata.xml), the metadata uses the default HTTPS port (443) which can cause problems with SAML authentication due to a mismatch in the ports.

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-20
NA rating | 1295 보기
Knowledge Article
Exclude specific hosts from rule scope (4258887)

How to modify a rule scope to exclude specific host? ... What is the best method to specify which hosts you wish to limit a particular cloned rule? ... How to scope a rule to specific host(s)? ... Note: Copy a rule and modify the copy as modified rules will not be updated on a subsequent cartridge update.

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-20
NA rating | 1311 보기
Knowledge Article
DBO Days Since Backup does not monitor Oracle INCR Level 0 incremental backup types (4302513)

While using the Cartridge for Oracle, an instance is backed up once a day using RMAN. ... The "DBO - Days Since Full Backup " rule incorrectly fires because the alarm is not validating the INCR LEVEL 0 as a FULL backup.

제품: Foglight Cloud, Foglight, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-20
NA rating | 1273 보기
Knowledge Article
How to blackout all of Foglight (4213624)

Foglight and 7.1.4 introduce a new blackout type that allows disabling all alarms during a blackout. ... The system:globalblackout command is available from the Foglight command-line interface with the following options and arguments:

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-19
NA rating | 1347 보기
Knowledge Article
Databases on a secondary replica are read-only, so the grant script cannot create the user in the database. (4227786)

Databases on a secondary replica are read-only, so the grant script cannot create the user in the database. ... The foglight user may still not be able to read data from these read-only replicas until the users will be synchronized.

제품: Foglight Cloud, Foglight, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-17
NA rating | 2349 보기
Knowledge Article
Multi-severity Rule keeps triggering unexpected email alerts hourly even when Condition have not changed. (4262452)

Alerts are being triggered every hour, even though there has been no change in state. ... A multi-severity alarm is being triggered hourly for the same condition. ... The rule behavior remains unchanged.

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-16
NA rating | 954 보기
Knowledge Article
Issues running "Index Fragmentation" report (4301081)

In some cases, the following errors can be seen when running the report: ... "Too many databases requested. ... For SQL versions lower than 2012, can only produce fragmentation report on one database at a time"

제품: Foglight Cloud, Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-17
4 rating | 3217 보기
Knowledge Article
What is the purpose of the Foglight group "Foglight Users"? (4260373)

When looking at the built-in groups on the "User Management" dashboard ,there is the group "Foglight Users". ... This group has no roles assigned but each Foglight user is member of this group. ... It is not allowed to delete the group.

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-16
NA rating | 1762 보기
Knowledge Article
Investigating and troubleshooting dashboard metric, rule, and alarm issues (multiple causes) (4308244)

What generic steps can be followed to troubleshoot and investigate database agent rule and alarm issues such as ... Top SQL). ... Analogous SQL or OS queries can also be run directly against the monitored host to see the results outside of Foglight.</p> <p> </p> <h2>Agent Configuration</h2> <p>Each agent is managed by the settings configured in the Agent Status Properties for each agent.

제품: Foglight Cloud, Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-18
NA rating | 3152 보기
Knowledge Article
How to list the cartridges which have been installed on the Foglight Management Server? (4292861)

How to list the cartridges which have been installed on the Foglight Management Server (FMS)? ... Method 1: ... Click "Next" 5. ... The cartridge list will be on "Appendix | Installed cartridges" section on this report

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-16
NA rating | 600 보기
Knowledge Article
Chrome browser give security warning when access FMS console via SSL (4266394)

Chrome browser give following security warning when access FMS console via SSL. ... Subject Alternative Name Missing ... The certificate for this site does not contain a Subject Alternative Name extension containing a domain name or IP address.

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-18
NA rating | 2189 보기
Knowledge Article
Spike in CPU utilization report not shown depending on the length of the report. (4258098)

QUESTION: We gathered an example CPU utilization report where a high data point was shown in one report, but was not shown in a subsequent report that included the same date. ... We modified the retention policy to keep raw data so data roll up is not a factor.

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-19
NA rating | 1110 보기
Knowledge Article
Can the ASM instance of an Oracle Database running in mount (recovery/standby) mode be monitored? (4295189)

Can the ASM instance of an Oracle Database running in mount (recovery/standby) mode be monitored? ... The Oracle cartridge collects directly from the ASM instance (instead of collecting separately per Oracle agent)

제품: Foglight, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-16
NA rating | 552 보기
Knowledge Article
Support HTTPS WinRM connections that require channel binding (4344547)

When the winrm/config/service/auth/cbtHardeningLevel is set to "Strict" (especially for the environments that apply strict secure policy), only WinRM HTTPS connections that have configured channel binding correctly will be accepted by the host.

제품: Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-16
NA rating | 1527 보기
Knowledge Article
Getting the following alarm "Sybase Backup Server null: Backup Error (Level 2 Severity). (4267227)

An unexpected condition, possibly fatal to the session has occurred". ... What does that mean? ... Basically the Sybase agent is reporting messages from the actual Backup server error log. ... The Backup_Error_Log rule extracts all messages that are written to the backup error log file since the last collection cycle and that show severity values of 2, 3, or 4.

제품: Foglight, Foglight for Databases
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-12-16
NA rating | 672 보기
Knowledge Article
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