All cumulative patches will contain all fixes from previous cumulative patches for the release.
다운로드의 무결성을 보장하려면 체크섬 값을 확인하십시오.
SHA256: 1b79ed70c0c474e0bde86a8be87135e4fb29a627e8cd3aff556348378e7c5c05
This is the list of bugs resolved by 14.1 Cumulative Patch 1 (which applies to 14.1.95 systems):
k1-36056: Backups are not running at the newly scheduled time.
k1-36043: Multiple FreeBSD vulnerabilities - Sept 5 2024.
k1-36041: Comment field is missing from process templates when Summary is hidden and Comment field is marked visible for queue.
k1-36040: Remove Splashtop remote control session check to allow 2 connections to the device at a time.
k1-36035: Oops error page shown when queue email outbound settings configured to use MS 365 Germany API Service.
k1-36006: Option to add Barcodes not available when creating a new asset.
k1-36005: Do not run task to uninstall Splashtop streamer if KACE Cloud Agent is present in inventory.
k1-36002: Ticket fields not shown in UserUI if SAT_SURVEY permission is set to Owners Only - Visible or Owners Only - Hidden.
k1-35998: Suppress newsyslog email setn to reoot by Cron Daemon.
k1-35996: macOS inventory data for FileVault 2, DDP|E and MDM enrollment is missing for agentless inventory.
k1-35992: Multiple FreeBSD vulnerabilities - Aug 7 2024.
k1-35977: Unable to run multiple reports scheduled from 'Report Schedules' list page.
k1-35960: Scripting list view choose action 'Run' only works when a single row is selected.
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