In regards to Virus Scanning
- Only Service Desk Attachments coming via email or uploaded to the ticket via the portal are being scanned
- Files detected as malicious will be sent to quarantine and will need to be Released or Rejected
- Files in Quarantine will not be removed automatically, an action must be taken
- Attachments will show as direct link to the Antivirus Quarantine page
To review items that are in Antivirus Quarantine:
- Log in to the Admin Portal
- Go to Security | Antivirus Quarantine
- The Antivirus Quarantine Page is displayed
- Basic views, searches, notifications and reports can be done on this page

Taking actions on the items in the Antivirus Quarantine page:there are 3 main actions that can be taken on the items found on the Antivirus Quarantine Page
ReleaseWill allow the selected item to be accessible
To Release an entry:
- Login to the Admin Portal
- Go to Security | Antivirus Quarantine
- Select the desired entry
- Click on Choose Action | Release
RejectWill reject the selected item, if the file comes in to the SMA once more, the file will continue to be rejected
To Reject an entry:
- Login to the Admin Portal
- Go to Security | Antivirus Quarantine
- Select the desired entry
- Click on Choose Action | Release
DeleteWill delete the entry on the Antivirus Quarantine page, if the file comes in once more an action will need to be taken to release or reject it once more
To Delete an entry:
- Login to the Admin Portal
- Go to Security | Antivirus Quarantine
- Select the desired entry
- Click on Choose Action | Release