The following steps can be used to backup the MNE Migrate User Data wizard configuration templates:
Note: This article assumes that the following KB article has already been followed, to re-create the NME40DB, and that the MNE Global Default Settings have been exported to a file:
Re-create the Migrator for Notes to Exchange (MNE) database
1.) Open the MNE Migration Manager.
2.) Click the menu button (three lines in the upper-right).
3.) Enable "Advanced Wizard Settings".
4.) Click "Migrate User Data" on the lower left pane of MNE.
5.) Select any collection (we are not going to migrate anyone).
6.) Click the Migrate button.
7.) Select the template that you would like to backup first, taking note of its name.
8.) Check the box for "Modify this template".
9.) Click Next.
10.) Click the Edit button.
11.) Select File | Save as and save a copy of this file as the name that of the template noted in step 10.
12.) Close the text file.
13.) Click Cancel.
14.) Click OK to exit the wizard.
15.) Repeat steps 4 - 14 for all templates that need to be backed up.
16.) Continue to the following KB article for re-creating the NME40DB:
Re-create the Migrator for Notes to Exchange (MNE) database
1.) Open the MNE Migration Manager.
2.) Click the menu button (three lines in the upper-right).
3.) Ensure "Advanced Wizard Settings" is still checked (enabled).
4.) Click Migrate User Data.
5.) Select any collection.
6.) Click the Migrate button.
7.) Check the "Save as template" box.
8.) Open the backup template file that you would like to restore first.
9.) Enter in the name of the restored template name into the "Name:" field.
10.) Click Next.
11.) Click the Edit button.
12.) Select the open backup settings in Notepad.
13.) Select Edit | Select All.
14.) Select Edit | Copy.
15.) Close the saved template file.
19.) Select the "config-XXXX.ini" file open in Notepad.
20.) Select Edit | Select All.
21.) Press the Delete button on the keyboard to remove all settings from this file.
22.) Select Edit | Paste to paste the backup settings to the new config file.
23.) Save and Close the "config-XXXX.ini" file.
24.) Continue through the wizard until you reach the screen in the screenshot below:
25.) Click Cancel.
26.) Click OK to Exit.
27.) Repeat steps 4 - 26 for any remaining template files you wish to restore.
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