Compatibility of this Patch
Product Name Product Version Platform
Foglight Management Server 5.6.5 and later All Platforms supported by this version of the FMS.
Foglight Agent Manager 5.7.0 and later All Platforms supported by this version of the FglAm.
Installing this Patch
1. Deactivate any existing WebMonitorAgent instances.
2. Navigate to the Cartridge Inventory dashboard and install the following file:
3. Navigate to the Agent Hosts dashboard and deploy the WebMonitorAgent package to the existing Foglight Agent Manager hosts.
Note: This patch can be installed independently, without pre-installing the Foglight Web Monitor 5.8.5 cartridge.
Determining if this Patch is Installed
1. On the Cartridge Inventory dashboard, verify that the version number of the following cartridges is set to
◦ WebMonitor
◦ WebMonitorAgent
◦ WebMonitor-UI
2. On the Agent Status dashboard, verify that the version number of all upgraded WebMonitorAgent instances is
Removing this Patch
1. Navigate to the Cartridge Inventory dashboard and select the following cartridges: ◦WebMonitor
◦ WebMonitorAgent
◦ WebMonitor-UI
2. Click Disable.
3. Optionally, enable previously installed versions of the same cartridges. Select the following cartridges in the Cartridge Inventory dashboard, then click Enable: ◦WebMonitor
◦ WebMonitorAgent
◦ WebMonitor-UI