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Review the current Upgrade Guide "Components compatibility" for details regarding earlier cartridge versions compatibility.
The Upgrade Guide also lists upgrade specifics for the various vertical cartridge types.
Review the Release Notes associated with each of your cartridge types for details about that cartridge's upgrade requirements
Running the FMS installer/upgrade executable
Extract the installer/upgrade executable from the downloaded zip file.
Stop the FMS software.
Login as the owner of the $FGLHOME directories and run the installer/upgrade executable.
On Linux/UNIX platforms, if not using a X-Window terminal, use the ASCII mode by passing the cmd argument -i console ie. Foglight-7_1_0-Cartridge-FglAM-linux-x86_64.bin -i console
Select the 'Custom' selection / radio button).
Verify the path to $FGLHOME is valid, and proceed through the wizard.
When completed, monitor the startup locally on the FMS using your internet browser via $FGLHOME/state/splash/foglightStartup.html (NOTE: On UNIX, must be via X-window terminal).
FMS types
Standalone FMS
Federation - Note: Federated children are not aware they a members of Federation. The Federator has its own configuration file which specifies the FMS children members.
Standalone FMS upgrade steps
Perform necessary backups of the FMS filesystem and its backend database repository.
Stop the software, then run the executable (as the owner of the $FGLHOME directories).
Select the 'Custom' selection / radio button.
Verify the path to $FGLHOME is valid, and proceed through the wizard.
When completed, monitor the startup locally on the FMS using your internet browser via $FGLHOME/state/splash/foglightStartup.html (NOTE: On UNIX, must be via X-window terminal).
FMS HA Upgrade steps
Perform necessary backups of the FMS filesystem and its backend database repository.
All HA members should be stopped before any one of them is upgraded.
Each HA member should then have the FMS upgrade individually and sequentially.
Apply cartridge updates once all members of the HA have the FMS software upgraded and started. NOTE: Applying a cartridge update to the current Primary HA member will automatically update the secondary Management Server.
Federation Upgrade Steps
Perform necessary backups of the FMS filesystem and its backend database repository.
Modify the $FGLHOME/config/federation.config file on the Federator commenting out your Federated children.
Upgrade the Federator and apply all cartridge update types that are part of your Federated Child environment.
Upgrade each Federated child and apply cartridge updates.
When a Federated Child has the necessary completed updates, uncomment the $FGLHOME/config/federation.config file so that Federated Child becomes known to the Federator. NOTE: This file is dynamically checked for updates every 60 seconds while the Federator is running.
Review Knowledgebase article4309631for details on upgrading the Foglight Agent Manager.
Your Request will be reviewed by our technical reviewer team and, if approved, will be added as a Topic in our Knowledgebase.
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