Can custom AD-groups be used for granting access to Change Auditor components and roles?
It is possible to customize the group designations using the Authorization Manager.
1) Logon to the computer that has the Coordinator service installed. If you have more than one Coordinator server, repeat the procedure on all of them.
2) Start mmc.exe ==> File menu ==> Add/Remove Snap-in ==> Authorization Manager ==> Add ==> Okay
3) Right-click "Authorization Manager" under "Console Root" ==> Open Authorization Store ==> Select XML file option ==> Click Browse and point to
C:\Program files\Quest\ChangeAuditor\Service\AzManXmlStore.xml and click OK.
4) Expand from AzmanXmlStore.xml through "Quest Change Auditor" ==> Role Assignments
5) Select from the list of Role assignments, highlight the relevant sections and review the group associated.
6) While the relevant section is highlighted on the left, you may add a user account or group on the right hand pane by right-clicking and selecting "Assign Users and groups"
7) Existing assignments can be removed by right-clicking and selecting "Delete".
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