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The unread note table does not exist for the required user in Notes.
When removing migrated data, a scanned item contains the CMTVersion property, but the entryID for the item in exchange cannot be retrieved. When this occurs, the item will not be removed from Exchange.
When migrating to Exchange\Outlook, the profile type cannot be read from the xml configuration file.
When creating a distribution list, a member cannot resolved to an object in the cached address book, cannot be found by SMTP address, and cannot be found by display name.
A existing recovery file (CMTUProcessedNoteIDs-[shortname].txt) was found for the user when the migration was started, but the file could not be opened.
A shared folder exists in the notes message store, but the shared folder contains a readers field that does not include the user. Data in this case will migrate to the 'Unfiled' folder because the shared folder is essentially private to another user.
A notesTime value cannot be converted into a valid COleDateTime
The ModifiedTime exists in notes, but cannot be converted to a valid ColeDateTime (will include an error/warning from the routine which was called to perform this action)
The tool was configured to use a windows timezone text file, but the file could not be read. The migration engine will default to the hard-coded internal table and continue.
The tool was configured to use a Notestimezone text file, but the file could not be read. The migration engine will default to the hard-coded internal table and continue.
A folder name in Notes exceeds the maximum allowable limit, or a subfolder name exceeds 64 characters at one or more levels.
When migrating a known document type from notes (mail, calendar, contact, journal, etc), the document could not be read into the corresponding CMTObject (will include an error/warning from the routine which was called to perform this action)
An item in an exchange folder contains some properties, but the entryID cannot be read or does not exist
During contact migration
One or more columns cannot be set on the MAPI folder.
The contacts table cannot be retrieved from the message store.
An email address property does not exist on a contact
Unable to retrieve the EntryID for a contact that should resolve to an object in Exchange.
Unable to resolve a distribution list member to an entryID in the address book.
When converting a display name to an Exchange account, unable to find the matching account information (entryID)
unable to resolve a display name to an entry in an address book
When reading from notes, a document of type 'contact' was requested to be read, but the document could not be processed (should include an error/warning from the routine which was called to perform this action)
When reading from notes, a document of type 'group' was requested to be read, but the document could not be processed (should include an error/warning from the routine which was called to perform this action)
During calendar migration
When processing a recurring meeting, the repeatUnit is empty, or does not map to a known type.
User clicked 'cancel' on the progress dialog while the repeating information for a recurring meeting was being processed.
The EndTime for a meeting is invalid (cannot be converted to a DateTime)
The EndTime for a meeting is before the StartTime
When processing a notice
Neither a PostedDate or DeliveredDate can be found, or cannot be converted to a DateTime
No StartDate can be found (the notice will not be migrated)
No EndDate can be found (the notice will not be migrated)
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Migrator for Notes
How To
Article History:
Created on: 3/13/2019 Last Update on: 5/7/2023
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