When trying to upgrade to a newer version of the AD and/or Exchange cartridge, an issue was experienced where the cartridge could not be enabled. Upon deleting it and uploading the previous release, the following pops up in an Error message within the Foglight Console:
[One or more cartridges installed could not be enabled, Error with cartridge Active-Directory-5.5.8 : com.quest.nitro.service.cartridge.api.CartridgeDeploymentException: Cartridge could not be activated, error: com.quest.nitro.service.cartridge.api.CartridgeDeploymentException: Error invoking cartridge lifecycle script. All components have been successfully deactivated.]
A particular lifecyle script gets an error when a cartridge is downgraded. Please carry out the following procedure in order to resolve this issue. Please note that the AD/Exchange cartridge will be lost in this process, as well as all historical data.
For the Active Directory (AD) cartridge:
-- To execute the below queries using the mysql command line (use this if you have no better sql tool available):
1. Open a command line and navigate to the MySql binary path e.g.
CD C:\Quest_Software\Foglight\mysql\bin
CD C:\Program Files\vizioncore\vFoglight\mysql\bin
CD C:\Program Files (x86)\vizioncore\vFoglight\mysql\bin
2. Connect to the database with the following string
mysql --host=localhost --user=foglight --password=foglight --port=13306 --database=foglight
3. At the mysql> prompt type
-- You will get output like this:
-- Connection id: 197
-- Current database: foglight
4. At mysql prompt, run the following query:
select * from current_version where id in (select distinct id from persistable_config_model where adapter='ActiveDirectory' and agent_type='ActiveDirectory' and sharing_name='fglamCollectorConfig');
5. If any rows are present, delete:
delete from current_version where id in (select distinct id from persistable_config_model where adapter='ActiveDirectory' and agent_type='ActiveDirectory' and sharing_name='fglamCollectorConfig');
6. Restart FMS and reinstall cartridge
For the Exchange Cartridge:
-- To execute the below queries using the mysql command line (use this if you have no better sql tool available):
1. Open a command line and navigate to the MySql binary path e.g.
CD C:\Quest_Software\Foglight\mysql\bin
CD C:\Program Files\vizioncore\vFoglight\mysql\bin
CD C:\Program Files (x86)\vizioncore\vFoglight\mysql\bin
2. Connect to the database with the following string:
mysql --host=localhost --user=foglight --password=foglight --port=13306 --database=foglight
3. At the mysql> prompt type
-- You will get output like this:
-- Connection id: 197
-- Current database: foglight
4. At mysql prompt, run the following query:
select * from current_version where id in (select distinct id from persistable_config_model where adapter='ExchangeMonitoring' and agent_type='ExchangeAgent' and sharing_name='fglamCollectorConfig');
5. If any rows are present, delete:
delete from current_version where id in (select distinct id from persistable_config_model where adapter='ExchangeMonitoring' and agent_type='ExchangeAgent' and sharing_name='fglamCollectorConfig');
6. Restart FMS and reinstall cartridge
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