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Can Foglight alert on SQL Server error log or SQL Server agent log events?
Is there a way to fire an alert with email notification for certain events in the SQL Server error log or agent log?
Foglight for SQL Server provides a default list of error logs enabled in the scanning, and allows adding, modifying, or disabling error logs from the list.
The settings defined using the Error Log Filtering view affect the following alarms:
DBSS - SQL Agent Error Log Summary,
DBSS - SQL Server Error Log Summary,
DBSS - SQL Agent Error Log Message
and the SQL Server Log Informational Error alarms
DBSS - SQL Server Fatal Current Process Error (severity level 20)
DBSS - SQL Server Nonfatal Error (severity level lower than 20)
Please refer to KB 69941 for more details on how to use the SQL Server Error Log filtering panel in the SQL Server cartridge administration area.
Please refer to KB 229723 for details on for using Severity levels with SQL Server Error Log filters.
Additional Information
The DBSS - SQL Server Error Log Count and DBSS - SQL Server Error Log size alarms were removed from the SQL Server cartridge beginning with the 5.6.5 version.
The DBSS - SQL Server Error Log Message alarm was replaced with separate severity level alarms beginning with the SQL Server cartridge.
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