Is there an easy way to find out when a supported Foglight version becomes limited as it reached its end of life (EOL) ?
The product life cycle on Supportlink only lists the broad Foglight version numbers. How does it relate to the database cartridges such as Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, and Sybase?
The product lifecycle chart in Supportlink details which versions of the Foglight product are in Full Support, Limited Support, and has been discontinued.
The Foglight product support page
The Foglight for Databases product support page
The Foglight for Virtualization product support page
The Foglight Evolve product support page
As well, a direct link to the Foglight page is available from Education Services here.
The support cartridges for each version correspond to the Foglight version, for example the Cartridge for SQL Server has the same version support as the Foglight Management Server 6.0.0.
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