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In vFoglight Storage, the LUN Total ops rate is zero.
In vFoglight Storage, the LUN Total ops rate is zero. I have a Read and Write rate being displayed that are non-zero, but the total is reading zero.
This is a known defect in vFoglight Storage caused by a bug referenced by Quest Tracking ID VFGLS-991.
Defect request VFGLS-991 has been submitted to Development for a fix in a future release. Please check the release notes of latest software to determine which bug fixes have been included in this release.
The latest version of vFoglight Storage can be downloaded here.
Your Request will be reviewed by our technical reviewer team and, if approved, will be added as a Topic in our Knowledgebase.
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Article History:
Created on: 9/16/2013 Last Update on: 5/7/2023
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Your Request will be reviewed by our technical reviewer team and, if approved, will be added as a Topic in our Knowledgebase.
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