Getting a DBO/DBSS/DB2 - Collection Status alarm or errors in the database agent log that a query timed out. Is there a way to increase the timeout for collections?
Alarm examples:
Failed with the exception: Failed to execute query on instance [], user account []. Reason : [The query has timed out.
Failed with the exception: Timeout occurred: 60[seconds] - Profile:OracleProfile{host='', instance='', username='', asSysDBA=false, ports='1521'}
Log file messages
DBSS_Full_Text_Catalog Failed with the exception: Failed to execute query on instance [HOST-INSTANCE], user account [DOMAIN\USERNAME]. Reason : [[Foglight][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Execution timeout expired.- Profile:MSSQLProfile{host='HOST', instance= '', username='DOMAIN\USERNAME', authType= 'WINDOWS_CUSTOM', port= '0' useNTLMv2= 'true', socketTimeout= '900', secureConnection= 'OFF' } Query: "-- SQL Server 2005/8.
A timeout occurred in the database collection.
To set the timeout parameter follow the steps below:
To disable the alarm, go to the alarms area in the "Administration" panel and disable the alarm there.
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