On the Foglight Management Server (FMS) web console, there is no Administration option or some Administration dashboards are missing.
The user logged in as has the Foglight Administrators role (or is the "foglight" user).
First confirm that the roles and groups were all still properly applied to the FMS users:
FMSHOME/bin/fglcmd.sh -usr foglight -pwd foglight -cmd security:list -u -g -r -v
Output (proper) would look like this:
Name: foglight, External?: false, Status: A
[G] Foglight Operators
[G] Cartridge Developers
[G] Foglight Security Administrators
[G] Dashboard Admin
[G] Foglight Administrators
[R] Console User
[R] Cartridge Developer
[R] General Access
[R] Operator
[R] Dashboard User
[R] Advanced Operator
[R] Security
[R] Dashboard Designer
[R] Administrator
Then check the WCF modules via:
fglcmd.sh -usr foglight -pwd foglight -cmd util:uilist
The output showed that all modules containing "system:administration*" were missing. The WCF modules containing these definitions have somehow been unloaded from the FMS.
There are two options why dashboards are missing. Either the cartridge is not fully loaded or has been unloaded or the dashboards are filtered.
Cartridge not fully loaded or unloaded:
To fix the issue, please disable and re-enable the Core-Administration cartridge, which contained the WCF definitions:
fglcmd.sh -usr foglight -pwd [foglightpassword] -cmd cartridge:disable -n Core-Administration -v [installed version #, e.g. 5.9.4]
fglcmd.sh -usr foglight -pwd [foglightpassword] -cmd cartridge:enable -n Core-Administration -v 5.9.4
Re-loading it like this forces the FMS to reload all the dashboard definitions into the database.
Dashboards are filtered:
The dashboards can be filtered by roles. See below screen shot. Please make sure no filter is set:
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