Each report template uses report parameters to define the content of the report. Use a template’s default report parameters to quickly generate or schedule a report, or optionally change the report parameters to customize the report to better meet your requirements.
The following Foglight for DB2 LUW reports are available with the 5.9.3 and later DB2 database cartridges.
* NOTE: If you are using the Templates by Module tab on the Run Report wizard, click the expansion box to the left of Databases > DB2 to view the Foglight for DB2 LUW reports.
- Comparison of Databases Report - reports on and compares the I/O activity between selected databases. For this report, you provide a time range and more than one database.
- DB2 Executive Database Summary Report - Provides key decision-makers with a summary view of the DB2 activity.
- DB2 Executive Workload Summary Report - Provides key decision-makers with a summary view of the DB2 activity.
- Health Check Report - reports on the database availability, response time, and connection time. For this report, you provide a time range and a database.
- Storage Summary Report - provides an overview of storage utilization using relevant categories such as disk space usage, file system usage (as it relates to automatic storage tables spaces), log storage, and top-consuming tablespaces. For this report, you provide a time range and a database.
- Top SQLs Report - provides detailed information about the SQL statements that consumed CPU over the longest period of time or experienced the highest number of total wait events. For this report, you provide a time range and a database.
The following Foglight for SQL Server reports are available with the 5.9.3 and later SQL Server database cartridges and are generated at the instance level:
- Change Tracking report - Displays detected changes related to instance during a specified time period. Changes may relate to system configuration, execution plans, object definition, database parameters, database configuration, accounts and user-defined changes.
- Configuration report - Displays the specified instance's most updated configuration
- Database Space Usage Report - Displays a breakdown of the database storage space usage at the host, instance, and database levels.
- Deadlocks - Display the deadlocks detected during a given time range.
- Disk Space Usage Report - Displays a breakdown of the disk storage space usage at the host and instance levels
- Health Check Report - Displays various aspects of the specified instance health
- I/O Activity Report - Displays comprehensive analysis of I/O activity, including activity vs. I/O, wait for I/O, and buffer usage
- Index Fragmentation Report - Show instance indexes fragmentation down to the partition level. By default, only check fragmentation for partitions of minimal size that were used in at least minimal scan or update operations since instance has started. To avoid using the minimal operation condition - set the operations minimum to 0 and select a single database in the Include List. For SQL Server of version 2008 and below, only one database can be selected in the Include Database List. Note: Calculating fragmentation information might be resource consuming on the monitored instance. proceed with care.
- In-Memory OLTP (XTP) Summary Report - Displays information gathered for InMemory OLTP (XTP) Memory consumption, Databases and Waits.
- Memory Report — Provides a detailed report regarding memory usage, such as SQL Server memory vs. host RAM, buffer cache size, page life expectancy and plan cache hit rate
- SQL Server Cross Instances Availability Report - Provides average availability information of all monitored database instances and their underlying hosts.
- SQL Server Cross Instances Inventory Report - Provides a list with properties of all the monitored instances
- SQL Server Cross Instances Performance Summary Report - Displays various performance indicators for all currently monitored instances
- SQL Server Cross Instances Setup Report - Displays general setup details for all currently monitored instances
- SQL Server Executive Summary Report - Provides key decision-makers with a summary view of the SQL Server activity.
- Storage Planning Report - Displays a prediction of storage growth using a linear regression method, based on the available historical data (up to 3 months).
- Storage Report - Provides an overview of disk space usage, including top consuming databases and files breakdown storage usage
- Time Breakdown Report - Displays the top-consuming SQL batches that were executed during the specified time range. To exclude specific batches from the report, use the optional Exclude Text fields using a LIKE format. For example, specify %backup% to exclude all the batches that contain the word "backup" as part of their text.
- Top DB Users - Displays the DB users that generated the maximal workload during the specified time range.
- Top Disk Space Usage Report - Display disks where free space is lower than a specific size or percentage
- Top SQL Batches - Displays the top-consuming SQL batches that were executed during the specified time range. * NOTE: The maximum number of top SQL batches that can be generated is 10. Increasing the value to a number higher than 10 has no effect.
- Top Statements Report - Displays the top-consuming SQL statements that were executed during the specified time range. The maximum of the "Top N" parameter is limited to 100. To exclude specific statements from the report, use the optional Exclude Text fields using a LIKE format. For example, specify %backup% to exclude all the statements that contain the word "backup" as part of their text.
- Workload Summary Report — Displays overall workload, using various performance indicators
The reports that can be generated for Foglight for Oracle from the 5.9.3 and later Oracle cartridges are described below. Except for the Cluster Balance report, all of the reports can be generated for either a RAC or an instance.
- ASM Summary Report - Displays general ASM instance-related information including Disk Groups and their associated Disks.
- Change Tracking Report - Displays detected changes related to instance during a specified time period. Changes may relate to execution plans, system configuration, user-defined, oracle schema and oracle configuration changes.
- Cluster Balance Report - used for monitoring the load balance, during the selected time range, between the various nodes in the selected RAC.
- Database Backup Report - Provides an overview of RMAN configuration and database backups.
- Databases Storage Report - displays a breakdown of the database storage space usage at the host, instance and tablespace levels. If the monitored instance is part of a multitenant architecture, this report at the instance level includes a graph of pluggable database distribution by storage.
- Health Check Report - used for monitoring various aspects of the instance’s or RAC’s health, that is: availability, listener status, response time and connection time.
- Host Disk Capacity Report - provides information about the file system disk of each of the monitored host, such as the file system type, the disk size, the amount (MB) of used and free space on the disk, and the percentage of free space.
- I/O Activity Report - provides several I/O activity indicators, such as workload, physical and logical read and write operations, and wait events.
- Invalid Objects Report - Displays a summary of invalid objects.
- Locks Report - Displays lock waits chart (Average Active Sessions) and lock tree.
- Oracle Cross Instances Availability Report - provides storage-related information about the instance, RAC, node or cluster, such as availability percentage, listener status, connection time, and average response time.
- Oracle Cross Instances Inventory Report - provides a list with properties of all the monitored instances.
- Oracle Executive Summary Report - provides key decision-makers with a summary view of the Oracle activity. If the monitored instance is part of a multitenant architecture, this report displays a grid showing data for each pluggable database.
- Storage Planning Report - Displays a prediction of storage growth using a linear regression method, based on the available historical data (up to 3 months).
- Storage Summary Report - provides various storage-related indicators, such as the status of datafiles and ASM, and the top 10 tablespaces sorted by space usage. If the monitored instance is part of a multitenant architecture, this report at the instance level includes a graph of pluggable database distribution by storage.
- Top DB Users Reports - displays the DB users that generated the highest amount of activity for a given time frame.
- Top Statements Report - Displays the top-consuming SQL statements that were executed during the specified time range. To exclude specific statements from the report, use the optional Exclude Text fields using a LIKE format. For example, specify %backup% to exclude all the statements that contain the word ‘backup’ as part of their text.
- Workload Summary Report - provides various workload indicators, such as the workload resource breakdown, CPU utilization and SQL executions.