When adding a new Office365 Agent, the consent return URL fails to connect. The FMS (Management Server) is configured to use HTTPS only.
The httpsonly parameter is set to true in the server.config file but the consent return URL from Office365 has http and port 8080.
The following errors is shown in the Management Server Logs:
script.system:office365_agentmanagement.office365FunctionReturnFMSUrl - [TraceId=4e125f3b-cd6d-4a74-9f87-787287902710]Office365 Consent Url: https://office365.foglight.com/oauth/consent?state=http%3A%2F%2FMS-SERVER01.DOMAIN.LOCAL%3A8080%2Fconsole%2Fpage%2Fsystem%3Aoffice365.office365ViewOffice365EnvironmentTabs%3F_showPopup%3Dsystem%3Aoffice365_agentmanagement.office365ViewAgentSetupWizard%26traceId%3D4e125f3b-cd6d-4a74-9f87-787287902710
Change registry variable CATALYST_URL to use HTTPS and port 8443
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