When selecting the Messagestats BlackBerry Report - Users | User Activity | Phone Summary - Select a Date - Select the Detail Level "Hourly" - Apply Filters. Report renders, but when user attempts to export to Excel the following message is returned:
Unexpected error while attempting to read from the database.
Invalid column name 'SecondsUsedCallsMade'.
Invalid column name 'SecondsUsedCallsRcvd'.
Invalid column name 'SecondsUsedTotal'.
SELECT [DisplayName], [AggregateTime], [CallsTotal], [CallsRcvd], [SecondsUsedCallsMade], [SecondsUsedCallsRcvd], [SecondsUsedTotal], [CallsMade] FROM (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT DisplayName, AggregateTime, CallsMade, CallsRcvd, CallsTotal FROM (SELECT TOP 10 DisplayName AS DisplayUserName, SUM(CallsTotal) AS TotalCallsTotal FROM V_BB_UserPhoneCallsHourly WHERE (([AggregateDay] = '2011-03-17')) GROUP BY DisplayName ORDER BY TotalCallsTotal DESC) AS innerQUERY INNER JOIN dbo.V_BB_UserPhoneCallsHourly on (innerQUERY.DisplayUserName = dbo.V_BB_UserPhoneCallsHourly.DisplayName) WHERE (([AggregateDay] = '2011-03-17')) ORDER BY V_BB_UserPhoneCallsHourly.DisplayName, AggregateTime) [_IntResult] ORDER BY [AggregateTime] ASC, [CallsTotal] ASC