Enhancement Requests (ER) on the Toad login screen while in ‘Tabbed by User’ view style.
User has over 250 saved connections. User's Toad login screen is in ‘Tabbed by User’ view style so user has over 250 Tabs being displayed. Due to the amount of saved connections user has, it is hard to look or spot a particular saved connection Tab. User would like to submit the ER’s below.
1) In the Toad login screen (while in ‘Tabbed by User’ view), add capability so that when the user types the first few letters of the user/schema name in the ‘User / Schema:’ field box, have Toad auto select or highlight the saved connection Tab for it on the left panel.
2) In the Toad login screen (while in ‘Tabbed by User’ view), set a different Color or heavily Bold the currently selected or active saved connection Tab so that it visibly stands out and can be easily spotted by the eye. Right now, it’s hard to spot or see the selected saved connection Tab, especially when a Tab line moves to the bottom when it’s clicked.
3) With user’s over 250 saved connection Tabs being displayed, it no longer fits the Toad login screen, and there is NO scroll bars. Please add scroll bars so that user can scroll up and down on his saved connection Tabs.