Replication works fine but Compare config OR compare with complete Target routing information fails when using the upper and lower case SID combination on Source and Target.
This only happens when using the same SID name on both sides with different case.
sp_ctrl (XXXXX:8497)> view config 4.conf
#source tables target tables routing map
scott.test_interval_part scott.test_interval_part Target_server@o.ORA11GR2
scott.test1 scott.test1
sp_ctrl (XXXXX:8497)> compare using 4.conf
Invalid specification scott.test_interval_part scott.test_interval_part Target_server@o.ORA11GR2
Table "SCOTT"."TEST_INTERVAL_PART" is in replication, but not to target specified
Specify correct target or use the force option to compare
Cannot compare "SCOTT"."TEST1"
Invalid specification scott.test1 scott.test1 Target_server_IP@o.ORA11GR2
Table "SCOTT"."TEST1" is in replication, but not to target specified
Specify correct target or use the force option to compare
Changing the Target routing to lower case SID works.
sp_ctrl (XXXXX:8497)> view config 5.conf
#source tables target tables routing map
scott.test_interval_part scott.test_interval_part Target_server@o.ora11gr2
scott.test1 scott.test1 Target_server_IP@o.ora11gr2
sp_ctrl (XXXXX:8497)> compare using 5.conf
comparing 2 of 2 objects
compare started; job id 6
sp_ctrl (XXXXX:8497)>