1. Created 2 script with an editor named testpm.sh and run_pm.sql and put them on the unix server.
Testpm.sh context: Sqlplus system/manager @run_pm.sql
Run_pm.sql context: Select 'This Test ran at: ' || sysdate from dual;
2. Go to Maintenance | General | File Object | File Server tab. Highlight the proper server making sure you are able to connect and put in the ‘Post login cmd column the value ‘./testpm.sh’ so to fire in the Post Migration step.
3. Go to Maintenance | General | Pre/Post Migration Parameter and create a new parameter called Putty. This will have as instructions:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Putty\putty.exe -ssh applmgr@xx.xxx.xx.x -pw applmgr -P 22
4. Go to Maintenance | Domain-Specific | Post Migration Step and create a new Custom Command to execute the sql script over a migration. Click on the Define Command button and on the top right portion of the window you will retrieve your User parameter created in point #3.
Double click on it so it goes down to the Command window. At this point to test it you can click on Interpret Command button then the Run Command button.
5. This last click will open a Putty window and execute the command and the scripts.
6. Below you can find the screenshots for the steps done above.
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