When upgrading Shareplex, you run into the following error
suntrain6 # ./SharePlex-6.1.1-b10-oracle100-sun-8-sparc.tpm
Unpacking ..................................................................
SharePlex for Oracle installation program:
SharePlex Version: 6.1.1
Supported Oracle Version: 10gR2
Build platform: sun-8-sparc
Target platform: sun-8-sparc
Please enter the name of the user that will be the SharePlex Admin? [splex] oracle
Please specify the product directory location (select a number):
1. [/u02/splex/534/10/prod is version 5.3 (Oracle 10g) for user "myuser"]
2. /u01/prod is version 6.1.0 (Oracle 10g)
3. <New installation ...>
? 2
WARNING: Process running - /u01/prod/.app-modules/sp_sync_launcher
...Installation failed...
Installation log saved to: /u03/oracle/.shareplex/INSTALL-SharePlex-6.1.1-08112g
ERROR: tpm: spo-check-running: The product is running, please stop it and try again
When you check for any Shareplex processes running for this instance of Shareplex, you find that there is indeed a sync launcher running on target:
suntrain6 # ps -ef|grep sp_
oracle 11917 1 0 Nov 11 ? 1:24 /u01/prod/.app-modules/sp_sync_launcher file=/u01/var/temp/launcher
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