The Customizer button — use this button, which is found on the upper right corner of each table, to create a custom filter for the table. The filter is created by clicking Customizer and specifying the criteria that the various values should meet in order to be displayed in the table (having a specific name, exceeding a certain size, and so on). For detailed instructions and examples, see Foglight User Guide | Working with Dashboards | Working with Tables.

In-context actions buttons — found on the upper right corner of all screens:
- Refresh — clicking this button retrieves the data acquired using the most recent sampling.
- Agent Settings — when using panels whose configuration is set using the Databases Administration dashboard, clicking this button opens the relevant screen in the Databases Administration dashboard (for example, clicking this button from within the Databases | Locks panel opens the Locks screen).
- Useful links — used for carrying out further investigation using the following external sources:
- What’s New? — provides information about new features implemented and issues resolved in the current release.
- Release Notes — provides a link to the Foglight cartridgerRelease Notes.
- Deployment Guide — provides a link to the Foglight for Databases Deployment Guide.
- Topology Mapping — opens the Topology_Mapping.csv files for Oracle and SQL Server agents.
- Permissions - A permissions script for the DB2 agent
- Ask Foglight Community — provides a link to the forum for Foglight products.
- Contact Support — central knowledge base about all of Quest's products.
- About — provides information regarding the product version.