You find that the Post is stopped due to error. The following messages show up in the event log:
[-222143568] 11/05/08 05:29 Error: Unexpected Oracle error: ORA-12899: value too large for column "OWNER"."TABLENAME"."COLUMN_NAME" (actual: 158, maximum: 128). (object name: " OWNER "." TABLENAME ") [sp_opst_mt (for o.SID1-o.SID2 queue QUEUENAME)/6258]
11/05/08 05:29 Process exited sp_opst_mt (for o. SID1-o. SID2 queue QUEUENAME ) [pid = 6258] - exit(1)
This is due to a mismatch between source and target table structures whereby the column width on the target table is smaller than the value to be inserted in it for the problem data. This can be caused by several reasons including the inconsistency in the table structure at the target due to a DDL done after the replication was started. Normally the DDLs are not performed on target tables directly except under certain circumstances.
The resolution to this error would be to increase the width of the column of the target table in question.
This error can be ignored using Solution # SOL277 that provides details for ignoring Oracle errors for Post .
The former would be more of a permanent solution and the latter would only ignore the Oracle error so long as the mechanism for ignoring of Oracle error by configuring the oramsglist file are in place.
Details of the Oracle error encountered:
ORA-12899: value too large for column string (actual: string, maximum: string)
Cause: An attempt was made to insert or update a column with a value which is too wide for the width of the destination column. The name of the column is given, along with the actual width of the value, and the maximum allowed width of the column. Note that widths are reported in characters if character length semantics are in effect for the column, otherwise widths are reported in bytes.
Action: Examine the SQL statement for correctness. Check source and destination column data types. Either make the destination column wider, or use a subset of the source column (i.e. use substring).
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