This is caused when agents were deleted from Agent Status on the children but the associated Agent Model Data wasn’t removed on the child.
It is most noticeable because Upgrade Required for nonexistent agents may appear on the Federator until the agent model data on the children are removed.
Customers can use the Remove Agent functionality in the Globalview database dashboard, or the Technical Support Dashboard's Delete Agent Model Data function.
A Federator sync should then occur within 1/2 hour or a Federator sync can then be forced by making a minor edit to the Federator configuration file.
Users should use the Settings | Remove from Monitoring functionality from the main Globalview Databases dashboard to remove the related topology objects when deleting a database agent. If the user removed instances through this functionality there should not be any useless relative topologyObjects in the FMS and no redundant instances displayed in the databases dashboard.
Upgrade the FMS to 5.9.4 or higher to include the fix FGL-19895.
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