When monitoring a RDS instance with SQL PI there are many “Query hash…” SQL Statements.
Most of these seem to be coming from a “program” called RdsAdminService.
The resolver did try to resolve the sql_handle listed as unresolved:
INFO [Resolver Manager_0 []] com.dell.dsgi.spi.common.utils.logger.LogUtils - Resolver.java:255:com.dell.dsgi.spi.engine.base.olap.resolving.Resolver.resolve(): PlanResolver resolver - keys to query: [
{Plan identifiers: plan handle [0x060001000172081d30567f284902000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000], extra identifiers [Plan extra identifiers: sql handle [0x010001000172081d50dfbb294902000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000], query hash [null]], from change [false], Submission time [1567937700000]}]
The PI SQL Statement is displayed well in SQL Server Standard edition, while the problem occurs in express edition of SQL Server.