In QMM 8.6/8.6.1, if a migrated account has an existing mailbox prior to the Mail Target Agent logging in, this mailbox may be deleted automatically by the Mail Target Agent.
The Mail Target Agent has a configuration parameter in the config.ini file called "ForbidDelMailbox". This parameter tells the agent to automatically delete target mailboxes if the value is 0, and to not delete target mailboxes if the value is 1.
In previous versions of QMM, this value defaulted to 1 to protect mailboxes from accidental deletion. However, the default in QMM 8.6.1 is now 0, meaning any existing mailboxes associated with migrated accounts will be deleted.
The workaround to this issue is to manually edit the Mail Target Agent's config.ini file so ForbidDelMailbox=1
Alternatively you can use the GUI to change this value and make the setting persistent:
Make this change by selecting Tools | Options | Additional parameters for agent configuration files and adding "ForbidDelMailbox=1" to Mail Target and Calendar agents.
Note: This change will stay in force until it is changed back.
Important: Despite the fact that the log file contains the entry "ForbidMailboxDeletion" newly created additional parameter should be "ForbidDelMailbox"
Note: In order to see the Additional parameters for agent configuration files you need to enable it via the Windows Registry on the console. Open Regedit and navigate toHKLM\SOFTWARE\Aelita\Migration Manager\CurrentVersion\Exchange Data and create new DWORD value. Name it "ShowAdditionalParameters" and set its value to 1.
If you are running 64-bit system then the registry would be HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Aelita\Migration Manager\CurrentVersion\Exchange Data
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