Sometimes Litespeed backup files remain as "active" in their various management classes i.e. the Litespeed backup objects are not expiring according to the TSM management class and therefore cannot be removed. It is therefore necessary to verify if they are being managed under the desired management class.
Edit and run the below sample script.
EXEC master.dbo.xp_view_tsmcontents
@tsmclientnode = 'nn.n.nn.nnn'
, @tsmclientownerpwd= 'xxxx'
, @tsmfilespace= 'test'
, @tsmconfigfile= 'C:\dsm.opt'
There are several reasons for this and why you may not see backups following the correct retention period.
1. Management class not passed or used correctly by the UI because of an old problem so all TSM backups are placed in the default TSM management class.
2. Maintenance Plans create unique backup names and since the names are different, they don't follow the same version retention rule of TSM and are therefore never deleted.
3. One version of a file has its management class changed and as a result, ALL versions of that file get their management class changed as well. (This is normal TSM behavior).
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