When running a Gathering you see the warning "Out of 0 files 0 were eligible" when executing the "Message Tracking Log Expansion"
Message flow information not accurate.
Reports indicate External Messages Received = 0
The warning, "Out of 0 files none were eligible", will be logged if any of the following are true:
The naming convention for log files in the message tracking log directory depends on the server role that is installed. On a Hub Transport server or an Edge Transport server, the Message Tracking log files are named MSGTRKyyyymmdd-nnnn.log and these are the logs used by MessageStats. On a Mailbox server, the log files are named MSGTRKMyyyymmdd-nnnn.log. On a server with both roles installed you will find both logs but MessageStats only uses the Message Tracking logs.
If the warning is "Out of 0 files none were eligible" please verify the following:
Note: MessageStats will attempt to access the Exchange server with its NETBIOS name via UNC and not the FQDN of the server.
E.g. \\ExchangeServer\MessageTracking
If you cannot access the Exchange server and MessageTracking directory where the tracking logs are using the NETBIOS name then add the NETBIOS name of the Exchange server to the local hosts file on the MessageStats server so that the share is accessible.
Verify The Tracking Log Date Range is Set to a valid date range that falls within the Tracking log Retention Period of the Microsoft Exchange Servers. This Can be Verified by Right Clicking The Gathering Task and selecting properties. Navigate through the Wizard to set the Date Range.
WorkAround 3:
Validate the MessageTracking folder for your Exchange Server using the "Get-TransportServer -identity <ServerName> | select MessageTrackingLogPath" Exchange management Shell cmdlet. Ensure that the MessageTracking Share on the server points to this folder.
If a Tracking log gathering has been run twice, no action is required. This is a warning detailing that a tracking log gathering has been run for a second time, and Messagestats is looking for new Tracking log files.
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