I see messages like the following in the Management Server log. Why does the intelliProfile service unregister metrics?
2013-06-08 07:43:46.902 INFO [BaselineManagement-8-thread-172] com.quest.qsi.intelliProfile.storage.BaselineHandlerContainer - metric 6105a81d-95d5-4fa2-bb67-33e8b6e0589f#responseTime has been successfully unregistered in intelliProfile service.
2013-06-13 09:00:18.625 INFO [BaselineManagement-8-thread-6977]
com.quest.qsi.intelliProfile.storage.BaselineHandlerContainer - Note that in order to avoid overflowing the log, a message of type "metricUnregister" will not be written to the log within the next 600 milliseconds
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