Several database installations are running on one server. Each database installation is having its own virtual host name.
On the DB dashboards suddenly the physical host name is being displayed instead of the virtual host name which was used during installation and is still set in the connection profile of the agent.
The agent parameter osUsePhysicalHostName was changed from 0 to 1.
When the value (Select ServerProperty('ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS') as host_name) in database has changed, Foglight will update updateUsePhysicalHostName to true and try to use the host_name for OS connection, the value host_name is a short name, sometimes it cannot be resolved.
STEP 1 - Change the hidden ASP (Agent Status Property) osUsePhysicalHostName to false.
To change the parameter back to 0, please run the script below via Script Console. Replace myAgentName with the correct agent name:
agentName = "myAgentName";
newValue= "0";
propertyName = "osUsePhysicalHostName";
agentService = server.get("AgentService");
configService = server.get("ConfigService");
agents = agentService.findByName(agentName);
if ((agents != null) && (agents.size() > 0)) {
agent = agents.get(0);
} else {
return null;
namespace = agent.getAgentNamespace();
agentType = agent.getTypeId();
primaryAsp = configService.getAgentInstancePrimaryAsp(namespace, agentType, agent.getId());
println primaryAsp.getBoolean(propertyName);
primaryAsp.setValueByString(propertyName, newValue);
println primaryAsp.getBoolean(propertyName);
Please make also sure the collection "Collection System ID" is set to false for each IC agent.
STEP 2 - Update the host files on the Foglight Agent Manager (FgLAM) to include the cluster server names and nodes. For example:
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