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Failed to get stat() on /splex/5.0/vardir/log/stock_KDILLON-CHAINER2-22869.sql - No such file or
show compare detail gives the following error
sp_ctrl (hostname:2100)> show compare detail
Host: hostname
ID Tablename Since Repair -------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------ 22869 "OWNER"."TABLENAME" 26-Jan-02 07:44:37 Off
Source table : "OWNER"."TABLENAME" Source node : hostname Target table : "OWNER"."TABLENAME2" Target route : hostname@SID Where clause : Select hint : Status : Error
Failed to get stat() on /splex/5/vardir/log/SID-OWNER-TABLENAME-22869.sql - No such file or directory
the compare log located in the SP_SYS_VARDIR/log directory has the following in it.
001: Warning: Call to read (de_sock_read,L806) unexpectedly returned 0 bytes. 001: Process writing may have exited with an error. 001: The warnings may due to either "compare cancel"command or network errors. 001: Error 1 calling de_sock_read in de_msg_receive_header (179) 001: Error 1 calling de_msg_receive_header in de_msg_receive_nodata_msg (1419) 001: Status : Error 001: Error 1 calling de_msg_receive_nodata_msg in de_compare_server (1500) 001: Error 1 in de_compare_server. 001: Compare OWNER.TABLENAME to OWNER.TABLENAME2 failed. See error message above. 000: DEQ done reading. 000: Exiting....
and the .sql log shows the following
000: Oracle Error 1466: ORA-01466: unable to read data - table definition has changed
000: Error 1466 calling OCIStmtExecute in de_table_ask_is_partitioned (203) 000: Error 1466 calling de_table_ask_obj_id in de_repair_setup (1995) 000: Status : Error 000: Error 1 calling de_repair_setup in main Exiting
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