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A migrated account from Lotus Notes to Exchange could not be configured within an Android Outlook mobile application.
Migration for Notes to Exchange Environment Details (MNE):
MNE: Windows 2008 R2 64 US Sp1 virtual on VMWare. SQL: SQL server 2012 Windows 2008 R2 virtual. Exchange: Exchange 2010 Update Roll-up 9, On premise Windows 2008 R2 64Bit SP1 virtual. Lotus Notes Client: 8.5.3 FP6 Domino Server: 8.5.3 Outlook: Outlook 2010 64Bit v2.0.17 App: Outlook for Android v2.0.12
The following steps were encountered:
1) A - Migrated Lotus Notes to Exchange account was successfully migrated with MNE and tried to configure the Outlook for Android app with that account. Unfortunately this step did not work. B - Configuring the same account on an Apple device did work successfully. C - Reconfiguring the same account on the Outlook for Android app for the second time worked successfully.
2) A - A newly created account on the Exchange Server worked successfully with the Outlook for Android app. B - Configuring the same account on an Apple device also worked successfully.
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Migrator for Notes to Exchange
4.12, 4.11, 4.10, 4.9
Article History:
Created on: 1/22/2016 Last Update on: 5/7/2023
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