When attempting to upgrade or install ChangeAuditor Agent via the MSI you recieve the following warning and then the installer rolls back:
"Error 1402. Could not open key: UNKNOWN\Components\GUID\GUID. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.
The logged on user does not have access to the key specified under:
1. Navigate to the key via regedit under HKLM|SOFTWARE|Microsoft|Windows|CurrentVersion|Installer|UserData|S-1-5-18|Components|GUID|GUID
2. Confirm you recieve access denied pop-up box when selecting the key similar to:
"GUID cannot be opened. An error is preventing this key from being opened. Details: Access is denied."
3. Right-click and select 'Permissions' on HKLM|SOFTWARE|Microsoft|Windows|CurrentVersion|Installer|UserData|S-1-5-18|Components|GUID
4. Click 'Advanced' and select the 'Owner' tab. Take ownership of the key with logged on user. Click 'Apply'
5. Click 'Permissions' and uncheck/disable 'Included inheritable permissions from this object's parent'. Click 'Apply'
6. Check/enable 'Included inheritable permissions from this object's parent'. Click 'Apply'. The key should now inherit the correct permissions
7. Repeat steps 4-6 on the child keys under this container for any additional keys referenced in the installer warnings
Note: These steps may need to be repeated for multiple keys (10-15 unique keys has been observed) referenced by Agent installer but eventually the installation will complete.
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